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3D "Extreme" makeover Terryscustom edition


Looking good! Even though we are miles apart.... I feel your pain about the snow! Was watching the game to be lazy for a bit also, then got a call for help.... Two hours later, didn't even have energy to stay awake after helping dig someone out of the drifts in the country! (can't even imagine what your shop and house drive looked like) But I will be getting the Viper back on the bench this week to continue! Nice work Terry!


640cc Uber Pimp
Had to push a crap ton of snow at home, went to shop......push a crap ton more of rock hard snow. I took an hour and got the cowl cut for the edge and cleaned up the shop for work tomorrow. Then when I got home, friggin snow blew in again so another half hour on the 4-wheeler pushing that out:gnashing:. Screw it I'm going to spend the rest of the evening watching a football game I don't really care about;)
I've been waiting for the bill from Mother Nature for the mild winter we've been having here. I don't think we've had 2" total snowfall all winter so far. I know will be paying for that somehow and it scares me.:concern:


640cc Uber Pimp
Had a few hours to spend last night so I wrapped up everything under the hood of the Extra, and the Edge. Also finished all other internals for the Edge. Both planes are down to wings and ailerons servos and last but not least.....wheel pants. Almost RTF:banana-dance:

I really missed my Extra in the last couple of months of flying last Fall, really looking forward to having that back and better than ever!


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640cc Uber Pimp
Two Extreme Flight(s) officially RTF:dancing-chicken:

I'm pretty impressed with how this came out, so here are the totals:

EF Edge: Essentially set up as designed except I transferred the rudder servo to the tail, different tail wheel and built my own wings......oh, and bolted an EME70 on the nose;). Wingspan went from 88" to 90.5", it will not get SFG's and wing area increased by 250sq. I also used my own (Viper) custom airfoil for both root and tip. All up RTF weight as it sits is 20lb. 8oz. I had two of these in years past both set up with DLE55's, canisters and one had a smoke system that were both right at 20lb and they were great performers, so I'm really excited to try out these new rigid wings and more power!!!!!

EF Extra: OK, so those that know me know that I beat this thing like a redheaded step child ALL last year and smiled like downtown @tylerzx9r brown the whole time!!! Finally at DesMoines Harvest huck I embarrassed myself with a nice face plant on the tarmac.
So for this one I did all needed repairs, changed out the landing gear for much heavier TNT aluminum, new cowl, new canopy, completely new wings. Wingspan will be 92" once I get the new much smaller SFG's built. Wing area increased by just about 100sq. Wing root and tip chord have been changed. I used EF stock airfoil at the root (plus a little chord depth), and my own airfoil at the tip (plus chord change). Added two aileron servos for a total of four, and now have flaps, full length ailerons, short outer ailerons, and spoilerons. Weight as built stock with the DA70 was 20lb. 10oz. So with all these mods my new total RTF weight is 20lb. 14oz.



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Planes look great @Terryscustom I've never seen anyone fly a plane like you fly your ef extra. the only time it wasn't in the air was when you doink it. Even then you have the stab repairs down pretty fast. Can't wait for spring.