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3D "Extreme" makeover Terryscustom edition


70cc twin V2
Who needs a rocket scientist around when we have Terry!!!! Your planes seem to get better with each one , I cant wait to fly the next one!!
Thanks for the explanation! I wish my 88 cg was a little further back to accomplish the same feat along with placing a rudder servo in the tail!!! 


I like 'em "BIG"!
Terryscustom said
I kept the stock airfoil at the root but I changed the tip airfoil along with wing area will increase by about 150 squares as well as changed the wing placement slightly so I can put my batteries further back.

Changed airfoil is to increase the stall window at the wing tips for even more stability.
I'm excited to see the outcome..... more stability, lower stall.... this will be very cool.


640cc Uber Pimp
Getting back to work, I got a few things done tonight:

- Removed can tunnel to inspect for damage and reduce a couple of ounces.

- Removed all damaged areas that need to be replaced (mainly just some parts in front of the landing gear).

- Repaired all internal cracks.     Mostly just the non structural  sheeting above the landing gear, one partial former (F-2) and one crack by the rear anti rotation pin.

- Repaired firewall

- Replaced wing tube phenolic

- Fit wings and ready to glue in hard points in the AM.





640cc Uber Pimp
Time to get back to work on this project. Sorry the pics are all missing but the basic rundown is my 91" EF had a little smack-down and I picked up a one-flight old 88" EF Edge. The wings for the edge went to a friend and I'm making my own. The edge will have a 70cc twin on the nose. Since this is my third 88" Edge I know what to expect and they are an amazing fun plane to fly.
So, the only mod I'm making to the Edge is:
- A different airfoil on the wing that has a little broader range of CG
- I'm adding a little bit of root and tip chord
- Wingspan will be 90" with 250sq. more wing area.
- Stripping tail feathers for a new scheme on wings and stabs.

For starters, I'm making a new wing tube sleeve......going to cut foam in a little while when the LAW shows up.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Wing tube sleeve came out perfect! @thelaw helped me cut foam and I installed the fresh phenolics into the wings to dry for the night. This Edge will be a bad MOFO.


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