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70cc twin V2
It is considerably less likely, but at Valley View there's a pile of sample engines from many different manufacturers you've heard of (and even more you haven't) that suggests otherwise... :p Part of the endurance testing that new brands/engines get before we get behind them!
Yeah.. I Baffle all of my 100cc planes and all of my air exits out of the Pipe tunnel.. and im at at good 1 in to 3 out


GSN Contributor
View attachment 23121putting a static pressure pine on my carb it was going rich on knife edge building pressure in the cowl


Any good advice on cowl cutting? Getting ready to cut the cowl for my GP123, and I'm never able to get the muffler ports small enough for my liking, I always end up making them bigger than I need to.


How is the vibration on this engine?

Mine is about the same as the DA120 I saw today but I still need to lean the low a little which should smooth it out even more.

I just got a gallon through mine today and it's running really good, just a touch rich on the low still but overall power and response is great. Starts easy too :)