thoughts regarding your last post;
regarding judging, what i remember from working towards becomeing a judge for IAC and doing my qualifying work as an assistant, the criteria for judging was a lot to handle. even the "experienced" judges stumbled through flights and didn't exactly tally every deduction accurately as they went. it looked a lot to me like some fudging was going on at the time.
IAC judging and IMAC judging criteria are applied as fairly as that particular judge's knowledge and experience allow. IAC has a far more involved judging training regiment than IMAC, and yes there are faults.....but "fudging"? Not sure what you mean by that?
so, if this is supposed to be fun, then we pare down the judging criteria and leave a lot of freedom for the judges to worry less and make their scores from flight to flight more consistent. this isn't IMAC, it's supposed to be fun, slightly competitive, and a lead in to people that might want to formalize things and try IMAC if/when they have time. until then, it's for overworked people like me with wives that carry whips around the house so we can have even a small challenge to keep our spirits up!!
So....what WILL the judges be looking for? What would be paired away from the criteria? Ya gotta have something, or it's just "that looks cooler than the other"??????
so think simple, not IMAC although IMAC can be the basis for a lot of what we're trying to do. formalities also make the burden of organizing something more difficult and each little thing that complicates the process makes it less likely to ever happen.
I guess I'm really not sure what "we're" trying to do? Without some kind of formalized organization/schedule/rules/judging standards. it's just a fun fly.
i know it's blasphemy for the most die hard IMAC people but let's just see what reasonable compromise we can come up with.
Go for it......but I'm now at a loss for what you're thinking.