It will be. The reality is VBullitin (most other forums) is an old format and it hates newer software and even cool feature type updates. HATED THEM! Also it was crashing and logging people out.rcbobp said
This is all great news, but I think I speak for many when I say that I hope this recent upgrade is worth it. I'm sure Bart and Sleepy are working on improving on it, but it seems to be unwieldy for now. Hard to track down our favorite threads. Even the "New Posts" isn't up to date. I'm willing to be patient, as I know that ultimately they want to create a #1 experience.
Then when we went with a cool wordpress homepage it got even worse. Hang in there in a few weeks you will be saying "Dang, those other sites SUCK.. they as sooooooo 2012.