70cc twin V2
haPPy birthDay Dave!![]()
Thank you sir, and I been smiling alot this week, as you wished !
haPPy birthDay Dave!![]()
Oh man, you may be exiled from here!
Doc Aaustin says "EAT THIS" said:First, I think we should all apologize to Dave (our president) because he’s in a no-win situation. He’s going to be the bad guy no matter how this plays out and he deserves better than that. No one else wanted to step up and take the job and we would be screwed without Dave. If you want to run the guy out of office with all of this petty, vindictive, backstabbing crap, have at it, but don’t expect to have a place to fly next year because no one else can do his job.
Maybe Josh screwed up, but he’s admitted that and apologized.... repeatedly. Josh stood up like a man, and admitted he was wrong/ He is serving his suspension, so let it go already. Josh has already been punished for the incident, so it was settled.....or so we thought.
Now a single individual wants the board to put him on trial for the same offense yet again? Are they going to keep doing this over and over and over again until they are finally successful in destroying him? In the US court systems, this is called double jeopardy. Continuing to go after a person who is already being punished is petty and vindictive, and it is most definitely illegal. It’s done. Leave it alone.
Seemingly for good measure, the whole afternoon group is now put in the crosshairs as well. For those who believe the falsehoods about the afternoon group flying dangerously, remember that those guys are all accomplished pilots who can handle their airplanes proficiently and safely. This is not always the case in the morning, when, as Paul noted, there seems to be a lot of difficulty avoiding the power lines, telephone poles, the parking lot, the pits, pilot stations, and the lake behind the field and the boundaries in general. Since we hear of so little being done to curb that, while at the same time targeting the afternoon group, I can only say there’s nothing like selective enforcement of the rules to divide a club and brew resentment.
The afternoon group flies safe. Don’t believe anything else. If the club wants to send a safety patrol out in the afternoon, knock yourselves silly. The truth actually works for us just fine. The safety patrol isn’t going to find anything outside of occasionally someone forgetting to sign in. We are always striving to make ourselves, and each other, better pilots, and that includes being safer and helping those around us to do the same. No one who has ever come to us for help has ever been turned away.
That means we spend more time helping and less time judging. Imagine that.
You can believe all the trash talk or you can come out in the afternoon, burn a few packs with us, and see for yourselves. We don’t have anything to hide and never have. Maybe one of us will forget to sign in, or maybe we won’t have both feet on the pad in the pilot’s station, but you won’t see anyone putting other people in danger. Let’s not lose sight of what’s really important.
Finally, the afternoon group minds their own business and doesn’t try to interfere with any other group. We don’t try to cause deep divisions in the club and fracture the membership into opposing camps like some are trying to do with this incident. We just simply fly and have a good time, and anyone in the club who simply wants to fly safe and have that good time is more than welcome to join us. It’s your club too.
Alfred of Wayne Manor said:"It's not about the money. It's not about the power. It's not even about the rape and murder. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Quote Originally Posted by Alfred of Wayne Manor
"It's not about the money. It's not about the power. It's not even about the rape and murder. Some men just want to watch the world burn."
Great stories guys. Better days ahead Doc.