70cc twin V2
Just thought I'd drop into the new forum ... say hello etc.
It's nice to see a cleaner layout without so many ads... not that I mind a couple since they can help pay for hosting etc, but RCG has gone a bit over the top IMO
Dave... the best of luck to you on your up and coming CArpUL TunnEL surgery ( glad I don't have to type like that all of the time ).... oh, and a happy belated birthday as well... beware the brush in the drain though... lol
Hey HeY !!! Niiiiccccccceee to sEE u here man !!
For those just tuning in....a short story:
New WaY to Clean the DRAIN ?
My bathroom sink drain stinnnkksss ! So, got the bright idea to clean iT OuT ! I took a long bristle brush and Shoved it down the drain to clean the slim out. Well, the brush got stuck !!!
So, I had to yank it back out.....and, guess what haPPened next ? Black....gOOey, yuckky 'stuff' went EVERYWHERE !!!! I'm talking....my face...arms....mirror.....e v e r y w h e r e
So....let that be a lesson !! No brisstle brushes in the drains...ever !