70cc twin V2
Watts-in is the volts multiplied times the Amps, and what you see on your meter. Watts-out is the amount of power required to actually do the work... like spinning a 20x8 PJN to 7840 RPMs. The difference is typically the power going to maintain the rest of the energy output.. heat, noise, magnetic field, etc. It is calculated by multiplying prop diameter (in feet to the 4th power), RPMs (divided by 1000 to the 3rd power), the prop pitch (in feet), and the load constant of the propeller, which in this case is about 1.028.
So putting a tach on your system, and getting an Amps and volts reading, will tell us most of what we need to know at this point and really compare what you're getting with at least two or three other people I share data with that are running the 12S system with the 20x8 on either a Hacker A60-7S 215Kv or the DN4330-216.
So putting a tach on your system, and getting an Amps and volts reading, will tell us most of what we need to know at this point and really compare what you're getting with at least two or three other people I share data with that are running the 12S system with the 20x8 on either a Hacker A60-7S 215Kv or the DN4330-216.
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