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Hostetler Cessna 336 Skymaster


70cc twin V2
Don’t get me wrong baffles are great and you should do them if you can but one thing you need to remember that the anxiety of baffles came about 3D flying were people were hanging on the prop and using big horsepower to do it with no forward movement. If you just do normal forward flying like you will do with that type of plane everything will be just fine.
That's a great point. I'm probably overthinking the cooling issue. I'll try it as is and see if there's a problem.

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70cc twin V2
First trip to the flying field today for taxi testing, range check, fail safe testing, and overall evaluation of suitability for flight. Lots of issues with the nose gear. Lots of slop and loose bolts. Tightened one area and another gets loose. Eventually I got it mostly cinched up.

One looming issue is that one flap has more travel than the others but shares a channel with another. Working on that. After I have it resolved, It will be airworthy.

If anyone wants to see the taxi tests, I'll post a video.

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