Got out today and operated with the new iX12 on the new (Maiden) QQ Cap 232 EX. I simply loaded all the models (6) I had on the old G2DX8 to an SD card then loaded it to the iX12. Every thing was there just as it was on the DX8

. I really liked the feel and stronger spring tension the iX12 affords. I simply put the radio to "sleep" between flights and when I was finished for the day (4 10min flights) the display read that the Tx battery still had 82% of its 6000ma capacity. So I'm digging this radio!
It was blowing 15-20mph and gusts to 25-30 mph. The AS3X system with the power safe Rx did well keeping my buddies Alien Extra steady on approaches for landing with a strong North West cross wind. The Aura 8 did the same for the QQ Cap. All in all a fun day
finally with all the new gear
