I can finally add my name to the list for 2019. Some of us are a little slower than others.
Nice day at the field today, and the maiden of the new-to-me Python is finally in the books.
And yes, it’s a keeper!!
Need to figure out the Aura on the Flex 170. Bound it to the transmitter, but then nothing. Guess I better read the instructions.
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I have had the flu past few days and not able to get out. Not that the weather has been great down here it actually has gotten warm rainy foggy and just rather nasty to be outside. Kudos on the Python Maiden. Great looking plane you got there.Maybe I can help get you Maiden with the 170. Sounds like it is not recognizing your Rx/Tx configuration even though you have a bind. If need be PM me. Always glad to help a GSN buddy if I can
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Put in just a little stick time over the weekend. New airplane maiden and then took the always awesome Gernot Extra 330Sc to the snowy mountains for a little windy shenanigans.
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How do you like the Acromaster "Pro" for agility/stability/power? Got my eye on it ya know. Always room for another "chunk O foam".
It's an awesome flying airplane. I personally can't get enough of it, even though it was blowing ~15mph constant this weekend
As you can see it's got plenty of power and maneuverability. I won't lie, it will wing rock some in high alpha, but I have a feeling my CG is a bit far forward even with 1/4oz of lead added to the tail. And this is on 3s 2700 LiPo. If I flew it less aggressively it would fly awesome on 3s 2200 packs.
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Took my UMX Timber out for its maiden flight today. Nice and cold with it being a mix of rain, sleet, and snow but I couldnt resist. Little joker is a blast and I advise everyone to pick one up.
I was listening to the recording of the live turbo timber Q & A and they said the UMX timber is the best selling UMX they have.
That says quite a lot. I have one and must say for a micro it flies excellent.