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I love classic pattern thread

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Thanks for the kind words David,

My Dalotel is my Baby. I just spent a couple of hours today giving her a nice coat of Carnauba wax and she's shining like a new penny and is as slick as a baby's butt. I also took some McGuire's Swirl remover to my Mach 1 today and it got a fresh coat of wax afterwards as well and it turned out awesome. I had a strange thing happen when I flew my Dalotel yesterday. The original struts were weak from my not so perfect landings in the past so I bought a set of Titanium struts from Central Hobbies. Funny thing is that the gear bent back more easily than my original gear and I did not have a bad landing. That was the last thing I expected the Titanium gear to do. My buddy thinks the gear wasn't re-tempered correctly after it was bent. I have to call Central Hobbies on Monday. Hopefully they will send me another set. Unfortunately My Dalotel is grounded until I get the new struts. . . . . . :face-palm: I will get some better pictures of the Dalotel if the sun ever comes back out around here. . . . . .:ugh:.

Seeing your AWESOME Blue Angel brings back allot of great memories. I fell in love with the classics while watching Mike build his BA and watching Jeff build his Aurora all those years ago on RCU. I remembered following your BA build as well and enjoying it thoroughly.


640cc Uber Pimp
How did I miss this thread?

I love classic pattern too!
UFO Field.jpg



GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Thanks for the kind words David,

My Dalotel is my Baby. I just spent a couple of hours today giving her a nice coat of Carnauba wax and she's shining like a new penny and is as slick as a baby's butt. I also took some McGuire's Swirl remover to my Mach 1 today and it got a fresh coat of wax afterwards as well and it turned out awesome. I had a strange thing happen when I flew my Dalotel yesterday. The original struts were weak from my not so perfect landings in the past so I bought a set of Titanium struts from Central Hobbies. Funny thing is that the gear bent back more easily than my original gear and I did not have a bad landing. That was the last thing I expected the Titanium gear to do. My buddy thinks the gear wasn't re-tempered correctly after it was bent. I have to call Central Hobbies on Monday. Hopefully they will send me another set. Unfortunately My Dalotel is grounded until I get the new struts. . . . . . :face-palm: I will get some better pictures of the Dalotel if the sun ever comes back out around here. . . . . .:ugh:.

Seeing your AWESOME Blue Angel brings back allot of great memories. I fell in love with the classics while watching Mike build his BA and watching Jeff build his Aurora all those years ago on RCU. I remembered following your BA build as well and enjoying it thoroughly.
That was a great forum that died when rcu restructured their site. And there were some great builds in that forum.


640cc Uber Pimp
Do not have any pattern ships any more but missed having one so a couple years back I decided to buil a pattern ship again. But make some changes. Still have a home built ultra sport. Made the pattern ship big enough to fit my 3w 43 into the plane. And moved the gear into the into the fuse. Have not flowen it yet, do not know why just busy the other planes. It still needs all the radio gear for the plane.


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70cc twin V2
Everyone should have a classic pattern plane in their fleet.


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HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey @rcbobp
Why have just one? Until I get off my arse and finish my AMR Stick, all I'm going to be flying are my Classics. . . . .:yesss:

Awesome looking Sequel, BTW. They are AWESOME flying aircraft and another TRUE Classic:big_yes:



70cc twin V2
Hey @rcbobp
Why have just one? Until I get off my arse and finish my AMR Stick, all I'm going to be flying are my Classics. . . . .:yesss:

Awesome looking Sequel, BTW. They are AWESOME flying aircraft and another TRUE Classic:big_yes:

Talk about flying on rails! YS120 makes it zooooom. I also have a Venus 2 with a YS120. Maybe not a classic, but it's a great flying pattern style plane.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I'd love to get my hands on a Sequel. Either the 60 or the 120 size. A friend of mine Has the larger Venus as well, but it's electric. I also have a scratch built Mach 1 I need to put a motor and a set of retracts in and I have an early 2M pattern plane called a Saturn. It was designed by Sam Turner. I got it RTF with an OS140RX, but I haven't flown it yet.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey Doug,

Let's take this to the "Everything Else" Thread. I don't want to pollute @Bipeguy03 's AWESOME Build Thread

Hey @Jetpainter ,

To answer your question, the next kit I want to get is a CCK Bootlegger and put my OS61VF in it. I also want to get my hands on one of Leo's T2A kits. I have always loved the lines on that airplane from way back when I started following Classic Pattern forums. I have a very special engine (to me anyway) for the T2A, I was just lucky enough to get my hands on a NIB Webra 61 LS Competition Series engine. It's not up to par with a YS (just like nothing else is), but it has almost the exact same performance specs as a Hanno, it even has the same red head. My problem is that when I said "future", I mean "FUTURE". . . . . :laughing: . If I ever get my AMR Stick done, I still need to rework my Laser, then get my Mach 1 and my Saturn back in the air. After that, I want to build my Illusion. Only after that is done, can I think about building anything else.

Oh well, se la vie.