Thanks for the kind words David,
My Dalotel is my Baby. I just spent a couple of hours today giving her a nice coat of Carnauba wax and she's shining like a new penny and is as slick as a baby's butt. I also took some McGuire's Swirl remover to my Mach 1 today and it got a fresh coat of wax afterwards as well and it turned out awesome. I had a strange thing happen when I flew my Dalotel yesterday. The original struts were weak from my not so perfect landings in the past so I bought a set of Titanium struts from Central Hobbies. Funny thing is that the gear bent back more easily than my original gear and I did not have a bad landing. That was the last thing I expected the Titanium gear to do. My buddy thinks the gear wasn't re-tempered correctly after it was bent. I have to call Central Hobbies on Monday. Hopefully they will send me another set. Unfortunately My Dalotel is grounded until I get the new struts. . . . . .

I will get some better pictures of the Dalotel if the sun ever comes back out around here. . . . . .

Seeing your AWESOME Blue Angel brings back allot of great memories. I fell in love with the classics while watching Mike build his BA and watching Jeff build his Aurora all those years ago on RCU. I remembered following your BA build as well and enjoying it thoroughly.