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Sport Idiot Boy Builds an Old School World Engines Robin Hood 99 Kit


Staff member
Mike, just wondering if you ever weighed the plane just for grins?
Nope. I've thought about it several times but never when I've had a scale handy. My guess is, with the added weight of the tow and cargo setup it's probably a pig for a 50cc. But with that huge wing it really doesn't matter much. All the old school Robinhoods where covered in fabric and dope then flown on a G38 or even a G23.


No doubt. After priming the carb, I think it started for the very first time on the third or fourth flip. Rest of the weekend was pretty much a 1 flip start. So long as we remembered to switch on the ignition. And the only reason that happened is because I have my ignition on a different switch than Uncle Bill is use to. We normally use the gear switch. But on my DX18 it seems to me that the gear switch is easy to bump. So I assigned it to switch D.

Here's a little tease to hold you guys over.

View attachment 99102
Woohoo! Love the pic, what a beautiful field (and planes too, he,he). Congratulations on the successful maiden. Now, when are you going to tow a glider???


Staff member
Ahhh!! I've been so busy with the shop remodel that I missed your update! Congrats man!! Glad it flies good, now you get to have some fun with it :)
Woohoo! Love the pic, what a beautiful field (and planes too, he,he). Congratulations on the successful maiden. Now, when are you going to tow a glider???

Thanks for the kind words gents.

As for the glider, as soon as I find someone dumb enough to let me hook onto theirs.:D