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IMAC learning and support using flight videos


Who's on 6.5 and interested in doing some multi player sessions for IMAC, Precision and of course "recess" with a little "huckin"? I've tried a few and haven't seen many show up. Holidays and all I'm sure. Just looking for an interest level.
I did some with Bandit a while ago and it worked out pretty well. We used the "ribbon" option under view that leaves a trail off the wingtips to check the lines. The observer(s) can view the flying pilot then comment via text. It's not exactly a "play" session. It takes a little patience. A typical sequence is about 5 minutes. So, like an actual event you take turns flying and watching/ judging/ critiquing.
Let me know here and we'll try a few on 6.5.

+1. lots of patience when it comes to IMAC- on and off the sim!!

I'm still on 6.5(for now).


Who's on 6.5 and interested in doing some multi player sessions for IMAC, Precision and of course "recess" with a little "huckin"? I've tried a few and haven't seen many show up. Holidays and all I'm sure. Just looking for an interest level.
I did some with Bandit a while ago and it worked out pretty well. We used the "ribbon" option under view that leaves a trail off the wingtips to check the lines. The observer(s) can view the flying pilot then comment via text. It's not exactly a "play" session. It takes a little patience. A typical sequence is about 5 minutes. So, like an actual event you take turns flying and watching/ judging/ critiquing.
Let me know here and we'll try a few on 6.5.

I had 6.5 and I upgraded to 7.0 for $45...but 6.5 remains installed, so I can run either one. :)


Nice. I don't have the computer power to run both.

You don't run both at the same time...you only run one or the other depending on which icon you click.
unless you are out of disk space, there is nothing preventing you from installing RF7 and keeping RF6.5 installed...in fact, that is how RF7 installs by default.

If your computer can run RF6.5 then it will be able to run RF7 just fine.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Space. I'll let you guys pave the way. It won't migrate all those planes I imported and tweaked in 6.5 will it? I'm good with 6.5 for now.
Fooled around with version 7 at the Hobby Shop and wasn't sold on spending $50 to upgrade... When doing spins, anybody else have trouble even seeing the plane. The altitudes we hit in IMAC sequences at the top of the box is presented so small on Real Flight you have to run smoke on to figure out what's up sometimes. Hard to judge what ya can't see (for whatever that's worth)... :p


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
It's not perfect by any means. Are you zooming in? I zoom and do not "keep ground in view". I also out "trails on" that helps with the lines. I also fly lower than I would during competition so the spins are lower.