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IMAC JTEC 2.7m Extra 300CS


I like 'em "BIG"!
OK. Back at it. Had to fix the temporary build table and turn it into the final one. I had about a 1/16" belly in the middle. That is fixed and now it is flat, flat, flat with no twists. Got the motor box glued to the fuse top plate and then the fuse sides glued up. Used heavy aluminum straight edges to keep the top of the fuse sides aligned with the top fuse plate. Bonus of using a sacraficial piece of 5/8" gypsum for the top is using pins! Also added some extra plywood for the rudder servo screws. Going push-pull with a single servo

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Very nice....


40% happier than most folks.
Ive been admiring those clamps ! I do have a serious clamp fetish, mine have been sadly dormant for too long now.


40% happier than most folks.
Oh definatley, but im gonna enjoy this one a good long while. No idea whats next, but I already have a dle 55 sitting on the shelf. Thinking bipe. Id actually like to try an arf, how bass ackwards is that !!


I was thinking it was just me being jealous. Guess I'm not alone.

BJ Swope
LOL! I had clamp envy after seeing Brian's build! Kept looking at lowes and home depot for a sale on the irwin clamps 'cause, I am sure you know, they are REALLY expensive. $10 for the small ones! So after the first of the year I was in Harbor Freight and they had this wall of them (not irwin of course). The small ones were $2, the 12" clamp were $4 and teh 18" were $6. I left with $80 worth of clamps!! Somebody has to try to keep up with the Kelley's! LOL. I will say, the Irwin clamps are much nicer and easier to use, but the harbor freight ones work just fine (especially considering how often one needs that many clamps at one time).


Got some more work done over the weekend and a bit tonight. The fuse floor is installed and began work on the hatch. Got the hatch mounts and spacers glued together (they come as a 1/4" and 1/8" ply to make up the correct thickness). The spacers are also glued to the fuse wall. The hatch mounts drop through the top of the hatch plate. I am holding off on doing much more on the fuse construction as I need to get the DA 100L and headers ordered and on the airframe to get the canister mounts installed. Much easier to do it now than fight it later. So, I got the wing tube fit into place and cut. Amazing that it was a perfect fit going through the holes in the motor box and the fuse sides. A testiment to the fit of the kit!


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