I just kind of dinked around today. Not really a lot accomplished as I am waiting on wood to arrive. I did however start "sandwiching" the leading edge of the Stab and the trailing edges of the elevators. Really not all that intelled. Just a matter of spreading some Gorilla, laying out the 3 pieces that make one, clamp and let it cure. I also got the trailing edge of the rudder sandwiched as well as gluing in servo screw backer plates to the rear fuse sides.
To start with, this is what the pieces look like prior to joining them all together. Kind of a neat idea to make these parts light, but very strong. The layed out pieces are the leading edge of the stab and the trailing/side edges of the elevators.
Here I have the rudder trailing edge completed. I will temporarily "clamp" it to the leading edge of the fin to test the fit.
These are the "left" and "right" rear fuse sides. Nothing hard about this step. I have plenty of scrap wood from many-many-many years ago that I saved from previous builds. So finding an appropriate sized backer plate is no problem.
Elevator trailing/side pieces ready for joining. I test fit the sections first, obtaining the most perfect fit from the pre-cut angles. Then a single drop of Thin CA dead center of the joint to hold them together.
Once each section was glued to its corresponding pieces, now to make all three pieces one piece.
One down, one to go.
Above is the leading edge of the Stab and the trailing/side edges of the elevators. I believe I will probably sheet the entire tail section to give it a nicer look when covered and also add to the strength.
Rear fuse sides with servo rails glued into place. I used 3/8' ply cut to fit the length of the servo holes.
I may see what else I can do this evening. Maybe frame up the rest of the stab and elevators and set them aside for sheeting later. I can also start laying out the wings while waiting for my wood to arrive.
I talked to Kevin this morning regarding a couple of points on this kit that I wasn't sure about. Also, Van
@Maxwell1945 called me and got me lined out on a couple of things. While talking to Kevin, I just "HAD" to ask him about the 112" MX2 kit. I am actually enjoying this build so much that I am "SERIOUSLY" contemplating building a bigger JTEC MX2. Don't get me wrong...I love my Pilot RC planes. And it is cool to have nice birds...but I would like to have something just a little different from what I have been flying. And, I think I would really like building a larger plane again. Maybe this Pitts will turn out nice enough I won't want to stop building again like I used to.
Just a test here. Anyone see anything wrong with the photo of the Stab leading edge and the elevator trailing edges together?