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Sport JTEC RADIOWAVE 26% Pitts Model 12


I like 'em "BIG"!
Found another one I think this would be a good starting point for a new project. Man Stang I cannot believe the size of planes you are prepared to build. How do you man handle them while building . And getting them to and from the field. These are very big and heavy. You must have one massive trailer.
We'll truth be told. Size, appropriate accommodations for building and transportation are paramount in my mind. Size really is not an issue. I don't find moving them around such a big deal. Once completed I am projecting auw around 60 to 70 pounds. Maybe less. We'll see. As for building accommodations, it will take me this year to get a suitable area secured for this build. As for transportation, it took all of six months to discover my brand new 6x12 trailer just is not big enough. I plan to purchase a bigger trailer this year. There is still the biggest hurdle to cross yet. The plane itself.

Yes, we do spend plenty on this wretched Hobby. Lol. I knew about the DA 300 6 cylinder. But I'm just not so sure I can go that route. Personal reasons.

HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I say, "Do it"! It won't be that big. Roughly 110" or so. That's tiny dude. View attachment 93879

You're close Rob. It's a 115 wing. I know someone who will give me a killer deal on a PCK short kit with a glass cowl and canopy. The problem is that the retracts will cost as much as the 3Dub I will need f0r it. Not to mention the balsa forest I will have to buy to sheet the fuse . . . . . . :eek:.

OK, that enough Sea Fury talk. Back to the regularly scheduled program.


I like 'em "BIG"!
I haven't gotten much done on the Pitts this weekend. Well not too much that is. I spent Saturday assembling two desks for some friends for their business office. Sunday I installed a new above range microwave for my daughter in her home. Taking lil "Pop-Top" to the doggie park with my youngest daughter and her little doggie so they could play with people of their own design and breakfast with my oldest daughter also left little time to accomplish two of the last three remaining tasks on the Pitts. I needed a little break anyway.

I did however get a message out to Francisco Javier of G Force Pilots. (http://www.g-forceaircraft.com/) In my opinion, the nicest looking pilot busts on the planet. I had been waiting for them to come into stock here in the states, but it seems Francisco is incredibly busy. Gee, I wonder why. LOL. I sent him the most recent photos of the assembled Pitts, (minus painted obviously). I am hoping he will be able to match the paint of the Pearl Purple, Flame Red and White Ultracote colors to the pilot. I am anxiously awaiting a response and an e.t.a. delivery date. Unfortunately but fortunately...(oxy moron comment) they are very light in weight. Probably only going to be about 3 or so ounces. I was needing a little ballast behind the CG to get the Pitts to balance a little better. But last resort, if I have to add a couple of ounces of weight to the tail to get it to balance, I am going to be ok with that. The a.u.w. is still going to be well within the limits so I think it will be ok. I just don't like adding dead weight if I don't have to. But considering there just really is not much else to do other than put the flight packs back further...(which there really is no place to put them) Adding a little weight to the tail is about the best option I have at this point. Once the pilot is in place and canopy is permanently in place, we'll see how she balances out. I guess I could always swap out the 3w 70 twin for a lighter 60cc size single....ah, noo! I will deal with the weight. LOL

More to come as soon as I can everyone. The more I look at this plane, the more I just want to fly the snot outta it.


I like 'em "BIG"!
Hi there you do know that DA makes 300 6 cylinder engine on order. They had one JoeNall once I believe 2 years back it was beautiful and the sound just incredible. If I can find the video I will past in .

Found another one I think this would be a good starting point for a new project. Man Stang I cannot believe the size of planes you are prepared to build. How do you man handle them while building . And getting them to and from the field. These are very big and heavy. You must have one massive trailer.

Sorry could not resist I saw the engine at JoeNall and here it is again man I can just imagine following a build thread with this engine. Trust me we are good at spending your money.
Then again @Snoopy1 I suppose the sound alone could be incentive enough to at least give it a try huh? Holy crap, what if they swapped out the 50cc jugs and replaced them with the 60cc jugs from the 120's? Hmmm....a 360cc six cylinder. NOW "THAT"....would be classic BEASTYALITY!!!

I think....I could see myself finally owning a DA!!!


640cc Uber Pimp
Then again @Snoopy1 I suppose the sound alone could be incentive enough to at least give it a try huh? Holy crap, what if they swapped out the 50cc jugs and replaced them with the 60cc jugs from the 120's? Hmmm....a 360cc six cylinder. NOW "THAT"....would be classic BEASTYALITY!!!View attachment 93956

I think....I could see myself finally owning a DA!!!
I have to agree with you when looking and listening to that engine it makes you want to buy it no matter what and put on the dinning room table and stare at it. But above all I had the privilege of seeing and holding there four stroke supper charged 250 twin engine. And see it fly, I was impressed at the power and sound. But it never happened it seems it has died, that's a pity. You are making me look at bigger and bigger aeroplanes that is a bad thing.


I like 'em "BIG"!
I have to agree with you when looking and listening to that engine it makes you want to buy it no matter what and put on the dinning room table and stare at it. But above all I had the privilege of seeing and holding there four stroke supper charged 250 twin engine. And see it fly, I was impressed at the power and sound. But it never happened it seems it has died, that's a pity. You are making me look at bigger and bigger aeroplanes that is a bad thing.
Never a bad thing to look. Just remember a bigger hangar is usually also needed. Lol