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Kennett Missouri 3D Bash


640cc Uber Pimp
@vegasking @Sarlacc @cmala @RPellicciotti @RotorJockey @SnowDog @cardenflyer @ryan_m @coleman773 @Animal @BryanB @3dbandit @vtwinman @Baughi @ddparker @Jwmav528 @RKEstes @tomcat @L Hatley @MO-rc @miatia54 @dr_boone @rhepler

When you guys get a chance would you register for the event here: http://www.rcflightdeck.com/contesta...?event_id=3065

It takes just a couple minutes and you don't have to pay yet if you don't want to…. it just lets us know how many are coming and makes it a lot easier for Blake to manage everything.

Thanks guys!

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so mike you gona hop a plane and make it to this one, Im sure we can find you something to fly


640cc Uber Pimp

so mike you gona hop a plane and make it to this one, Im sure we can find you something to fly

I'm hoping to make at least two maybe three of the 3dbash's. I wish I could make Kennett but right now I have Eugene, Austin, Wenatchee, Mollala and possibly another in Washington. It's going to be one heck of a series and a crazy fun summer!

I wish I could be there and THANKS so much for the offer! I think your event just may set the bar for the rest of us! Keep up the good work Blake!!!
Well this will be our first big event since the club did the big heli flyins back in the early 2000,s I sure hope it's Gona be a great turn out, I'm Gona do my best to make it one of the premiere events to go to for years to come
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@vegasking @Sarlacc @cmala @RPellicciotti @RotorJockey @SnowDog @cardenflyer @ryan_m @coleman773 @Animal @BryanB @3dbandit @vtwinman @Baughi @ddparker @Jwmav528 @RKEstes @tomcat @L Hatley @MO-rc @miatia54 @dr_boone @rhepler

When you guys get a chance would you register for the event here: http://www.rcflightdeck.com/contesta...?event_id=3065

THIS WAS THE OLD LINK WHICH WAS INCORRECT: h t t p : / / w w w . r c f l i g h t d e c k . c o m / c o n t e s t a n t - R e g . c f m ? e v e n t _ i d = 3 0 3 0

It takes just a couple minutes and you don't have to pay yet if you don't want to…. it just lets us know how many are coming and makes it a lot easier for Blake to manage everything.

Thanks guys!

@3DMIKE, I'm trying to register but when I go to RCFlightDeck it appears that I'm registering for the Eugene RC 3DBash...is the event code correct in the link???

addendum: looks like a copy paste error, the A tag has 3030 for the event code...I fixed it for ya. gotta watch that copy/paste stuff! ;)

==> The link in post #111 is correct now.
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