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Muffler Bolt torque value?

Just don't use the gasket that comes with the engine use the method explains above and you'll have trouble free flights.
As for the prop I think it's very important to use a torque wrench especially with carbon props.
What kind of wrench you're using and what's the torque for a 170 engine ??
The torque is determined by the size and hardness of the bolts.

See the link I posted earlier, it will tell you the proper torque values for each combo.

BJ Swope


Team WTFO (Watch The Fun Occur)
One action with several opinions, you just have to pick one and give it a try. I have always had great luck with my method without the first problem. Then taz says not to use gasket material. I'm not sure of torque will be the same if using gasket cause its squishy and gives to pressure.
torque value should be the same as the torque is dependent on two things
1, bolt characteristics: fastener diameter, pitch, and composition
2, attributes of the material the threads are anchored to

heres a good read, granted they are selling a product:
I'll explain the best I can. I use the gasket that comes with the engine without any washer's. I tighten them with the short end of the ball wrench till it won't move. Then I turn the wrench to the long end and put another 1\4 turn, maybe more maybe less just depends on how it feel's. I torque my prop bolts to 85 ounce inch and when I break the bolts loose on the prop with the L wrench it feels about the same on the header too.

Its kinda hard to get the short end of the allen wrench in a stock muffler to tighten it. :) Im referring to the mufflers where you have a bolt going up thru the down stack.