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New Here? Introduce yourself!


70cc twin V2
New Member

Hey everyone glad to be here. 3dNater invited me to this site from RCG. Thanks Nate this looks like a wonderful place to share and learn. Not to mention make new friends.
I started forums on RCUniverce in 2006. Did that for a couple years then took a five year break. Came back to flying but seems there isn't as much members as there used to be. Joined RCGroups and now I'm here too.
Basically I love to fly. It's all I think about so I am in it for the long haul. Thanks for having me, Michael
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3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Hey everyone glad to be here. 3dNater invited me to this site from RCG. Thanks Nate this looks like a wonderful place to share and learn. Not to mention make new friends.
I started forums on RCUniverce in 2006. Did that for a couple years then took a five year break. Came back to flying but seems there isn't as much members as there used to be. Joined RCGroups and now I'm here too.
Basically I love to fly. It's all I think about so I am in it for the long haul. Thanks for having me, Michael

I'm glad you decided to check it out :)


New to GSN!
Hey all, I'm just checking in from California. Fairly new to flying but love watching and trying 3d flight…crash more than my husband would like but luckily he fixes them and gets me back in the air…;)


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Check it out? No man this is going to be my home away from home :banana: I hope you all are ready!!! :flyer:

Haha... in that case welcome home :)

Hey all, I'm just checking in from California. Fairly new to flying but love watching and trying 3d flight…crash more than my husband would like but luckily he fixes them and gets me back in the air…;)

That goes for you too :)


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
CyndMarie and FlyMike welcome. Good group here. Answers to questions average a few minutes. Very little if any drama and self moderated.


New to GSN!
Hey thx for the Welcome!

I fly TREX 600 ESP RC Helicopters, and several guys at our club fly 3D planes.

Looking forward to talking about how you guys "keep it up". Heli's are easy to hover, but planes always look like their about to crash.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Ya planes aren't really built exactly for hovering how Heli's are... duh :p haha. Check out the 3dpedia for lots of good 3d flying tips and tutorials. Feel free to ask specific questions in any thread that looks appropriate. It is a pretty good group here and chances are your question will be answered with discussion pretty quick.