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I'm new to 3D, but have a gained an interest recently, as I have exhausted scale building in past 8 years with over 50 builds, many scratch builds. 3D is something new and interesting to enter into, as well as having new subjects to build and fly. I recently built a 30" Herr Pitts as my first 3D plane, which is flying, and still needs a bit of tweaking. I'd love to build a sport monoplane soon, and have been looking at the Dan Rihn One Design and RV4 and RV6 models.


  • Pitts_Herr_18.jpg
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  • Pitts_Herr_19.jpg
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Very cool! Please post up some finished pics when it is complete.
I view kits the same way I view nuclear bombs. I have no desire to mess with one, but have a whole lot of respect for those who do!
Hey whats up guys? I Matt from eastern NC. Im into 3d flying and loving every minute of it. Been flying 5 years now and l think l am addicted.
Forgot to do this...

Zed from small town on Texas Gulf Coast. Dad got us into flying back in the late 80's...took a 15 yr hiatus then my brother got me back in when I sold the boat...(said he had nothing to do now...go figure !!!) The technology that came out after 15 yrs amazed me...Enjoy flying 3D an BS'ing with friends when I can get out to do so...


Welcome Zed. Think we met at Oktoberfest in 2011. I was just watching a video from Dave of you flying a 103 att he same event (pretty sure.) Nice flying there man. Were you at SEFF this year? I thought I saw you, but didn't come up and say hello.
Nah...i was at TEFF but not SEFF...and yeah that was me flying eddies 103...Thanks !!!
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