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Wow...that's quite an introduction! I'm gonna have to take your word for it because it went way over my head!

So, what planes do you fly?


Sorry, just can't read all that, but I've always thought as a logical and simple explanation to the light through slit thing, it is the thickness of the material used to make the slit that causes the light to spread when the slit is narrow enough. This seems to be forgotten in the explanation to these demonstrations, at least in the ones I've seen. I could easily be wrong, but I think when the slit is narrow enough it restricts the oscillation distance (amplitude?) of the light particles, so they reflect off of the sides and fly off in a wider pattern. The majority of the light should end up mostly in the center of the surface it is aimed at since there is no vertical limiting, and only some of the more horizontally oriented sine waves hit the sides.


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You must work with my ex-brother in-law on the big island.

Hay guys, most of my RC and all of my full scale flying time has been spent flying gliders in Hawaii and a little on the mainland and in Europe when I went there planning on buying and shipping back the last M17 all wood motor glider made in CZ . But 911 happened while I was there and things changed where shipping it back to the US might as well have been trying to ship a gray oblong object with 4 fins and a blinking red light with "armed" written above it. So I came back home to a new world where the streets of Waikiki where ghostly empty matching how I felt coming back empty handed and letting a new friend down that was counting on the money. I'm really bad at finishing things on time but it's often not my fault and when it is it's only because I'm good at starting something new and more exciting to me. But in the end I always seem to finish what I start somehow but it always takes longer than expected. I am addicted to flying RC, designed and built the glider I have the most time on, and my main interest is quantum physics and using time to connect light to gravity where I've made a great deal of progress... if you don't count how far I have to go. The problem with gravity and putting the dots needed together is it always exposes more of them hidden by the dots people like Feynman put in the wrong spot. But at least I have the satisfaction of saying thanks to CERN and SLAC's E158 team with all politics put aside I was able to prove the greatest physicist that even lived was correct and there are no dice. I'm sure at least one of you have heard of the famous dice Einstein refused to accept and perhaps of a riddle called the fine structure constant that goes with it: e{a}/t=hv. I want to build a La Fish 3D aerobatic glider and came here looking for information on the best plane to train flying 3D in my back yard so I ended up here introducing myself.

Here's one of my last posts on gravity and time some who can do simple math and deal with the symmetry of flying an RC plane upside down may find interesting. You won't understand all of it if any at all so just relax if you feel like reading it. I doubt anyone understood how a wing creates lift the first time they read about it.

"If you want to see what time is all you have to do is look at light through a slit and make the slit thinner till you will see a point where the light is rotated from vertical to horizontal that without an answer "why" has perplexed physicists... but as always there is a mechanical reason that makes sense and once understood the answer is quite obvious. And the obvious answer why we see the light become horizontal is because it deals with our reference frame of observation which requires the time of two Mass oscillation cycles to create one "instance" of an observed center of gravity in 3 dimensions relative to time that creates the direction of gravity relative to the observer in spacetime, and we are seeing not a precession, but the cause of precession due to "particle" spin momentum. And that observation brings us to understanding gravity connected to light because both are connected to time on opposite ends of two arrows connected to time.

When we look at light we are looking at the source of light within the weak force connected to time creating a speed of light clock. Relativity says looking at a speed of light clock should stop our clock completely but it doesn’t because of the asymmetry of the weak force which adds 3.6 seconds a year. We are looking at a speed of light clock running 3.6 seconds a year fast. As a result we live in a universe where time relative to the speed of light is almost stopped. But unlike our clocks that speed up and slow down relative to each other's movement and gravitational effects, it is the master clock where the term "relative to light's clock" as a separate observer does not apply as it does to two observers looking at each other's clock held together by the strong force. Our clocks move because time has asymmetry and our clocks are dealing with time dilation separating them based on the constant speed of light. The asymmetry of the weak force {a} is the key to understanding physics being presented here in relationship to time and space which eliminates uncertainty. There are no dice and I'm going to prove it using simple basic math to put the outcome of deeply complex mathematics together. To make further progress in electronics a true inertial frame of reference needs to be established for the weak force so the "missing" graviton or "hole" as it is called observed in semiconductors (due to it's reverse oscillation phase arrow) can have it's phase timing separated from the electron's forward arrow as is already observed (but without comprehension) and both phases be set relative to the master clock cycle within the weak force so the graviton can have it's 4th oscillation phase in time added to the atom. That's right... the atom has 4 phases or "parts", not 3. The 4th phase/part is shown in every modern book on basic electricity right next to the electron where it should be. If space is relative to time, as we know it is, then basic logic dictates anything including atoms oscillating in space MUST have 4 phases of oscillation. What goes up needs room to come down. And you cannot measure a particle's location and it's velocity accurately if you leave out half of time needed to make the measurement. And to do such a measurement you must first establish an inertial frame of reference to set (the length in time of) the clock being used to measure the particle's location and speed. And as we go deeper I need to draw your attention to the reverse Mass oscillation phase connected to time responsible for the asymmetry in time SLAC's BaBar data exposed a year after their E158 data did the same thing beforehand thanks to CERN. You won't like the politics hiding the discovery, but you will find this interesting because the asymmetry in time is the cause of gravity.

The speed of light is 186282 miles per second where 186282 miles = 1 second. This is the result of Mass oscillation or "the Master clock cycle" that has two arrows associated with the DNA's "tonal space" of phosphate and sugar of opposite phase timing creating a pendulum that is slightly longer on the following reverse oscillation phase as the fine structure constant equation shows: e{a}/t=hv. (The fine structure constant is maintaining E as a constant using time dilation, it's a worm hole where more time is measured going back in than came out because time did not stop during the oscillation cycle and time is what we use to measure/observe with. It shows gravity is cause by the subtrahend of the two arrows connecting gravity to the weak force as half of EM... a minute amount more we notice and measure as the direction and force of gravity relative to the observer.

CERN's muon phase timed neutrinos were announced Worldwide in 2011 @ (v-c)/c=2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles. That is an exact match with SLAC's E158 asymmetry of the weak force data @ 2.48e-5 sec added to the speed of light traveling 453.6 miles creating an asymmetry in time of 20e-5 sec, what we call gravity (with the final correction of error in place). After CERN's neutrino data was shown to match the E158 ratio SLAC went back over their BaBar data and confirmed the asymmetry in time it exposed a year later giving it a sigma 14 level of certainty. There was a write up on it on Wikipedia but that's been pulled off now but was copied and noted in other areas of the Internet. Here is the simple math that proves it. If you open up a calculator and follow the flow it's easier to see doing it yourself. If you don't do that you will not likely see how simple what is being done is.

Weak Force Asymmetry {a} adds 1hour/3600 seconds every 1000 years: Re: SLAC E158 data "using clocks". Muon neutrinos do not exceed speed of light as CERN said "if the data is correct". The neutrino is created at the speed of light adding to the speed of light measurement just like the photon "tricks" Summerfeld detected in 1948. (Because their phase angle is @ theta 23 unlike electron neutrinos but you don't need to understand that to see the data match.)

3600sec / 1000 years = 3.6 seconds of weak force asymmetry time added in a year, the distance light travels in 3.6 seconds.

3.6 sec x 186282 (speed of light) = 670615.2 miles added to the speed of light in one year

670615.2 / 365.2425 year = 1836.082055072999 miles added to speed of light in one day

1836.082055072999 / 24 hours = 76.50341896137498 miles added to speed of light in one hour

76.50341896137498 / 60 minutes = 1.275056982689583 miles added to speed of light in one minute

1.275056982689583 / 60 seconds = 0.021250949711493 of a mile added to speed of light in one second

Now that we know the know the {a} asy time/distance added in a second to the speed of light (0.021 mile) we need to know the fraction of a second speed of light distance it took for light to travel only 453.6 miles which is the distance CERN's neutrinos traveled to know how much {a} asy time to add to the speed of light traveling 453.6 miles and see if the {a} weak force asymmetry gain in time matches CERN's 2.48e-5 sec neutrino gain in time exactly as I said it would to create the force of gravity. So we simply divide 186282 miles (which equals one second) by 453.6 miles (the SOL fraction of one second distance the neutrinos traveled) to acquire the weak force asymmetry value added to the speed of light.

186282/453.6 miles = 410.6746031746032 (or 453.6 x 410.6746031746032 =186282 SOL)

Now we add the weak force asymmetry time gained to the fraction of one second value of 410.67

0.021250949711493 / 410.6746031746032 = 5.174644243208279 e-5 This shows the forward/back total neutrino oscillation time gained in 453.6 miles caused by the asymmetry of the weak force.

Now notice the total asymmetry time gained of 5.17 e-5 sec is almost exactly double CERN's 2.48 e-5 sec past the speed of light. The next two simple calculations change physics by adding a 4th oscillation phase to the atom (graviton) and a second reverse arrow to time needed to support the "missing" graviton misnamed the hole opposite the electron and use CERN's data to show it's correct length relative to the electron and prove time has asymmetry that supports the force of gravity exactly as I had been saying for years never expecting this to happen and be so easy to prove and show that E=T, and time like energy must be conserved.

We add a second reverse arrow (required for time to have asymmetry) for time by simply dividing 5.174644243208279 e-5 in half.

5.174644243208279 e-5 / 2 = 2.58732212160414 e-5 sec

So we have 2.58732212160414 e-5 sec weak force asymmetry time gained in the forward arrow of time,

and 2.58732212160414 e-5 sec weak force asymmetry time gained in the reverse arrow of time.

We now add gravity to the second reverse arrow simply by using CERN's data which provides the correct forward arrow measurement of weak force asymmetry added in 453.6 miles by subtracting the forward arrow gain of 2.48e-5 sec from half of the ratio gained in 453.6 miles of 2.58 e-5 sec.

2.58 e-5 - 2.48 e-5 = 0.10 e-5

We now add it to the second reverse arrow 2.58 e-5 + 0.10e-5 = 2.68 e-5 sec

So using SLAC's exceptionally specific but proven E158 WF Asy ratio obtained from adding the distance light travels in one hour to the distance light travels in one thousand years applied to 453.6 miles we can see using basic math that SLAC's E158 data matches CERN's neutrino data announced worldwide @ (v-c)/c=2.48e-5 sec in 453.6 miles with both sets of data adding 2.48 e-5 sec in the forward arrow of time and SLAC's data adding 2.68 e-5 sec to the rearward neutrino oscillation phase adding a reverse arrow connected to time.

This creates an asymmetry in time of 0.20e-5 sec (2.68 e-5 - 2.48 e-5 = 0.20 e-5) needed for gravity exactly as predicted.

CERN Neutrinos @ (v-c)/c = 2.48 e-5 create a lesser diesis (Einstein's Comma) = 0.20 e-5 (0.10e-5 + 0.10e-5) by matching SLAC's E158 asymmetry of the weak force data in the forward arrow of time @ 2.48 e-5 sec in 453.6 miles.

This is a game changer from dice to two sided cards because the data match shows time has a reverse Mass oscillation arrow that gravity needs to exist exactly as shown by the Unified Field Theory equation that first showed me and a few others the weak force has an asymmetry that allows our clocks to move independent of each other. SLAC's E158 ratio that creates the asymmetry of the weak force ratio is an incredibly specific ratio and I had been quoting the E158 data for years after finding it's value showing why it had to match like this creating 3 specific ratios out of the E158 ratio to add an asymmetry to time calling it a lesser diesis comma. A coincidence of this magnitude is simply not possible. (This was done long before SLAC went back over their BaBar data and confirmed the asymmetry in time giving it a sigma 14 level of certainty "far more than needed to declare a discovery".)

There is a lot of money involved with Science so don't think a few scientists won't play games with the truth when the opportunity of personal reward arises.

To challenge CERN's (v-c)/c=2.48e-5 sec claim neutrinos (CERN used muon phased timed neutrinos) were exceeding the speed of light which they weren't many physicists said the data had to be in error because neutrinos (electron phase timed neutrinos) were measured traveling at the exact speed of light from ten's of thousands of light years away, not exceeding it. The problem with that "correction" is the fact that we know neutrinos oscillate and have mass and the same laws of Relativity that state no particle can exceed the speed of light ALSO state no particle with mass can travel at the speed of light. So the experts used one "impossibility" to dismiss another "impossibility" failing to see the gross error in logic. Some have tried to reduce the neutrino mass to say there must have been some slight delay but from ten's of thousands of light years away even a "slight" mass amount would be measurable, not to mention CERN stated and an exact SOL measurement after they 'fixed" the "loose cable"... LOL

There is a reason for observing a difference in electron vs muon phase timed neutrinos but it is beyond the scope of this post's layman presentation. What we see happening in physics where data is "doctored" to make theories fit is what happens when you use "dice" to measure time with rather that listen to the greatest physicist that ever walked the face of Earth when he tells you that "God dose not play dice with the Universe". SLAC's E158 data matching CERN's proves Einstein was correct as does the fine structure constant: e{a}/t=hv.


3DRCF Moderator
John Hendry welcome to the boards, hope you find what your looking for here. After reading every bit of your intro, I have just one question...

WHY MAN WHY Would you write that. :veryshocked: After the second paragraph I seemed to make it my mission to read the whole thing. Kinda cool in a weird way. :megaroll: Rock on brother.

Oh and Bazinga!
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640cc Uber Pimp
Blew me away!!! I thought I was watching an episode of Big Bang Theory! Way to smart for me but sure would love to spend a day with you trying to grasp a single nugget of that!


New to GSN!
Hi everyone I'm new but not new to flying .I'm currently flying 3d with a 50 cc yak also have aeroworks 80 cc edge 540 . in my squad I have top flight mustangs and a corsair .I an on heading to fun fly's in Indians and the Chicago area.I fly out of the suburban area club of Chicago.


Sweet! Need anything we lots of great guys that really know the electrics! I wish I could help but I'm a gasser guy!!! :)

Ive been hounding J.Smith on the forums to show me his setup (I have the same gear) so if you know of any pictures available lol!

John Hendry

New to GSN!
I could easily be wrong, but I think when the slit is narrow enough it restricts the oscillation distance.

Yes... it exposes the length in time measured by space of the two oscillation phases involved with the waves. Go with your gut feeling as it's usually correct even if you don't know why. All I did was give time it's length to show time is not "relative" and has a starting point to measure from replacing the "ether" that was never detected and not needed with space in it's place.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
You boys is way over my head! "All I know is some Peckerwood takes it up and some Peckerwood lands it and that Peckerwood is a Pilot...!" The Right Stuff. I'm just the Peckerwood. I'll leave the "concepts" to the think tank! Good fodder thou. Think on boys.
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