Very true! 
Dig it!
Dig it!
Patroller;18417 wrote: Ok so for charging at fast rates you would need to disconnect the deans connector and hook up balance leads through your new harness to keep things clean. You can still burry the batteries deep in plane, you would just need access to the deans to the rx for charging?
Taildraggerrc;17586 wrote: Just soldered up a new prototype. These will go into production soon.
Gotten calls for a while for a balance charge solution for inside your plane. Many customer mount their rx battery packs in locations you cant get to conveniently or simply charge with the canopy on.
This harness allows you to connect to your balance nodes on your 2 RX battery inside the airplane. Once installed you use the charge side of the harness and insert into the side of your plane and balance 2 batteries (a123/life/lipo) at once!
Taildraggerrc said
Just soldered up a new prototype. These will go into production soon.
Gotten calls for a while for a balance charge solution for inside your plane. Many customer mount their rx battery packs in locations you cant get to conveniently or simply charge with the canopy on.
This harness allows you to connect to your balance nodes on your 2 RX battery inside the airplane. Once installed you use the charge side of the harness and insert into the side of your plane and balance 2 batteries (a123/life/lipo) at once!