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NEW Twisted Hobbys 39" Crack Yak WOW


I haven't used that mount, but I will the next time I build one that fits it. That way I'll be able to let anyone else who asks about it, what I think of it ;).. Btw, I spoke to the invertix folks, and they are testing their ESC motors combo on Twisted H planes. I know for a fact it's on a Turbo Crack Beaver. There is no connection between TH and invertix. I will say, that after speaking with them I will be testing their setup on some different planes and exchanging info with them. Sorry to be off topic, I just wanted to follow up on out previous conversations.... ;)


Cool, ya test it out and see what you think. I'm happy to upgrade if it improves performance. I don't need bling. :)

Sweet, lets talk reversing motored planks via PM. Or start another thread? I have some thoughts that may or may not be new. Ha
I've been in a 3D quad mood lately. Time to get back to planks I guess. :D

Doug B.
I've been hand launching mine pretty much exclusively. Just hold the plane at about a 45 degree angle, push the throttle stick up to about 3/4th, and let her go. She will climb at that angle hands off for enough time to get your hand in a mitt. For landing, I wouldn't overthink it with flaperons. You will be amazed at how well the CY flies, even at very slow speeds. With just a light breeze, point her nose upwind and you can bring your groundspeed down to a crawl without stalling. No flaperons needed. Piece of cake.

Finally flew the Yak. Flies fantastic, huge difference to my previous plane. As you said lands on the spot, nealy vertical. Has a small ~120W motor but still quick and fast verticals thanks to low weight.

Only isse is a problem with the rudder servo or the Rx. Rudder drifts out of position. Changing seevo will not be easy as it is quite integrated...

Overall very happy so far, starting already to look at a smaller crack model to fly at my minimal garden, turbo beaver or mini pitts mabye ..


Did you use the recommended Twisted Hobbys servos? Also did you test the poser system before you installed it in the plane? I think it's a good idea to lay up all the servos and rx on a table to make sure they are all working, and to ensure they all center properly.

It does suck to pull servos once they are installed. However if you use hot glue drops in strategic locations, the job is much easier. The buried servos require you to carefully cut seams away, then exchange the bad hardware, then repair the seams.

Take your time, be careful, all will be good. T
Did you use the recommended Twisted Hobbys servos? Also did you test the poser system before you installed it in the plane? I think it's a good idea to lay up all the servos and rx on a table to make sure they are all working, and to ensure they all center properly.

It does suck to pull servos once they are installed. However if you use hot glue drops in strategic locations, the job is much easier. The buried servos require you to carefully cut seams away, then exchange the bad hardware, then repair the seams.

Take your time, be careful, all will be good. T

Not sure what TH recommend but no. I live on a different continent and purchased my Yak from a retailer here in Sweden.

I use cheap HXT900, they worked really well in my previous model and I had a bunch at home. When I halfway into the build realised how integrated the tail servos are I had regrets but eager to finish I kept them, bummer...

I tested and centred all servos before installation. The problem is however only occurring every now and then so I guess that's why I did not see it.
Did you use the recommended Twisted Hobbys servos? Also did you test the poser system before you installed it in the plane? I think it's a good idea to lay up all the servos and rx on a table to make sure they are all working, and to ensure they all center properly.

It does suck to pull servos once they are installed. However if you use hot glue drops in strategic locations, the job is much easier. The buried servos require you to carefully cut seams away, then exchange the bad hardware, then repair the seams.

Take your time, be careful, all will be good. T

Figured out that it was the servo which was faulty. Luckily I didn't glue the servos very hard and the swap was quite easy in the end. Tomorrow calm but below freezing but hope yo get an hour of flying.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Hey guys, just checking in! I have flown 12 pack through this plane this week. It just keeps getting better the more I fly it :D


New to GSN!
My new Crack Yak

First let me just say thank you to AKfreak for starting the build thread and to "cdee" on another forum/site for his. I referred to them often to fill in my gaps in knowledge. I would also like to say that this is my first Twisted Hobbies plane and I couldn't be more delighted about it. I would encourage anyone who is sitting on the fence about whether to buy a Twisted kit to JUMP! The pain of that price tag will be forgotten very quickly when you experience the quality of this kit, and from what I have read the rest of their kits are of the same quality. I will definitely build more of these. ( I have no affiliation with the company other than being a happy customer)

So here is my plane which I haven't flown yet since it started to snow Saturday when I finished it up...

39" Twisted Hobbies Crack Yak, Grey
KEDA 2214/1000kv motor
4- Hitec HS65MG servos
Castle Phoenix 25 ESC
Zippy Compact 3S 850 mah battery with JST connector
APC 10x3.8 slow fly prop
Weight w/o battery 346 grams (12.2 oz)
Weight w/ 3S 850 Zippy 412 grams (14.5 oz) ready to fly

I went with the 2214/1000 because it was only 7 grams heavier than the 2212/920 (53 grams vs 60 grams, including the wires but without a plug)

I used Deans 4 pin connectors, only using 3 of the pins, for the motor to ESC connection.

On the 2214/1000 motor with the APC 10x3.8 slow fly prop it is showing 15.5 amps peak at 173.6 watts peak. (181 watts would be 200 watts per pound!)

And just for anyone who would like to compare on the 2212/920 with the same battery and prop it was showing 11.62 amps and 126 watts peak.
So for a 7 gram sacrifice on weight, and a loss of some flight time, I gained 47 watts, which I felt was a good trade off :)

I'm really looking forward to flying this plane and again if any of you have been considering one of the Twisted Hobbies planes, PULL THE TRIGGER!!! you won't be disappointed, at least in the quality of the build.

Hey I'm officially a Crack Head now!


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