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New ZDZ112 B2RV / Installation into PAU Edge 540


70cc twin V2
It sounds great! That is exactly what you are after. Just below half you should hear a richness pop evey once in a while. Looking good! I am excited for you to get her up in the air to see how the motor runs and how well the plain flies. I love that PAU edge. My 43% PAU edge with a ZDZ 210 is a blast to fly.


640cc Uber Pimp
Oh yea, the 210's you had at Corn Huck were AMAZING machines!! Had a blast watching you wring them out:way_to_go:


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HRRC Flyer

GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Hey @Terryscustom,

Nice work on the big Edge. That ZDZ should drag it around quite nicely. . . . . . :yesss:

A couple of quick question for you if you don't mind. Where did you find the little blue wire holders you used for the ignition wires and the Hall sensor wire? Can you turn the carburetor around on the engine so you don't have to drill holes in the top of the cowl for access to the needles?



640cc Uber Pimp
No problem, I get the foam wire keepers from Aztec Aero. On items that are critical I put a little "Goop" around them to keep them in place and a little on top to keep the wires from coming out. They hold small wires great without that though.

Check out Post 17 you can see the whole thing taken apart, I actually pondered putting the carb with needles down but decided since I'm going to do a fair amount of prop testing etc. I wanted easy access. http://giantscalenews.com/threads/n...tion-into-pau-edge-540.3352/page-2#post-74497


I really liked my 100 I had in an ultimate. Very smooth motor and starting it was exactly how you described. Once you understand what's going on with the fuel, no more sore shoulders.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


70cc twin V2
Found a few more hours tonight and knocked out some final details. Seems odd, but all that is left is the landing gear, tail wheel and canopy shell!! I kinda worked bass-ackwards from my normal build. The build stand has been amazing so far to assemble without actually handling the fuse or plane at all other than to flip upside down now and again.

So tonight I......
- Rudder push rod and setup.
- Ignition mounted.
- Cut the cowl - when the mufflers that are in prototype stage come out I'll probably order a new cowl, so for now I picked the best performance option out of what I had on hand with the Jtec DA100 mufflers.
- Baffles = I LOVE CREATIVE FOAM!!!! For goodness sake baffle your engines if you don't already!!! They will thank you!! This took me less than half hour and every bit of air that comes in is passing though the fins, should run very cool.
- Set up choke servo, set max travel limits and set end points with an amp meter. I have it on a momentary switch and slowed the servo to .8 seconds to full travel to basically widen the dead band width so that there is no chance of binding.
- Set up throttle servo
- Re-bind to reset the fail-safe so I don't inadvertently burn up a choke or throttle servo

This thing will most likely run tomorrow night, we'll see about maiden this weekend. I have a fun fly on Saturday and it's not the place for a maiden flight. Perhaps on Sunday......fingers crossed.


What do you need on the mufflers. It looks like a set of compacts would be the way to go. Then you should be good on the cowl. If you don't get them to oiled up send them in and I will compact them for you pretty quick.


640cc Uber Pimp
If you don't get them to oiled up send them in and I will compact them for you pretty quick.

Thanks for the offer Al, but these are already oiled up from two DLE111's;). I gave 'em a good bath in de-greaser so they cleaned up real nice on the outside. I know these made the 111's perky on performance so I'm sure they'll work. Actually they are not sticking out as far as I thought they would and with the split cowl it was easy to do a nice job of cutting around them.