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PAU 30% Sukhoi SU-26


Finished up the Spat brackets and mounted them... INeed to do some sanding on the spats. I'll paint the brackets when I paint the spats.

Windows are in the glue is dry. I stuck my LED light inside the fuse and took a picture. Those lights are in tune with the season.:)

Had a little time left so I hooked up the pul-pul on the ruder.

Sukhoi by day. Michael McDonald concert last night and Pacers game tonight. Life is good.

Can't figure out how to upload the pictures. Right now... Something has changed.


Pictures for the previous post. I got it fixed. the problem was in my computer.

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40% happier than most folks.
Michael McDonald concert must have been good show.
So were getting updates.. " minute by minute"... Oh man, " I keep forgetting" not to be so corny.
Very good thread and build, nice work, good information. Keep it going.


Got a few more pieces in the mail. Got the white 3 1/2 in. No Limitz spinner from Herve. Still waiting on the Falcon prop so I can cut the spinner. Got the Miracle Switch form Red Wing RC but the 16oz Fuel Tank is out of stock. I robbed the McFueler off of the smoke side of the Edge and mounted it.

I started mounting the Throttle servo when I realized that the gas intake elbow was in the way of the throttle arm. I tried to twist it but it wouldn't budge and I didn't want to break it. I tried to make a throttle arm to move the push rod to the top of the carb but I got the angle wrong... OOOps. I'll have to make another one tomorrow. :(

I'm open to discussion on the antenna placement on the Futaba receiver.

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40% happier than most folks.
Everything else is so pretty and trick you could go an extra step n make an antenna mount like this, buddy Dave made it last week, just piece of shaped lite ply and two wd-40 spray tubes. You have the 90° placement nailed though and should work just fine.
Enjoying this thread, nice work sir.


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    05 RX Tray.jpg
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Got my props in from Bobs Hobby Center. 24-9 Falcon. I also got some SWB standoffs to replace the wood ones.

Didn't work on my plane today cause my friend Art decided to abuse our friendship and have me work on his plane instead. Made up some servo extensions and mounted the throttle servo and linkage. He bought this plane from my son. it's his first Aerobatic Gasser. It's a GP Yak. I flew one of these about 6 yrs. ago and it was a great flying plane. Then he had the nerve to grab my camera and take a picture of me... I forgive him since he said he would bring the Pizza for lunch tomorrow.
