This is how I became the owner of the MVVS-58. Steve is an Engine guy. I'm not. I just want to flip it and fly it.
So you guys think this is an MVVS-58. Nop!
This is an Aussie Hot Rod... Steve Version.
I got this message from Steve and he offered me a choice of a 58 or an 80 cc MVVS to put in my Sukhoi. I told him that I didn't care for the ignition and that is why I've been staying away from them. He said no problem he would change it over to one of Milton's RC excel conversion. At this point I got interested in a hurry. So I accepted his offer.
About a week goes by and he sends me another message that says that the package is caught in Limbo between the two countries. Then he gives me a list of the things he changed on the engine.
Here is what he wrote.
What's coming to you
MVVS 58 - "Steve Version".
The "Steve" Version has had a couple of modifications done to make it more user friendly.
Mod 1
On the MVVS Engines, the inlet duct is angled. The "Standard" angle has the carb pointing "downwards" when the engine is mounted inverted (as most will be). This can be changed easily by undoing the 4 screws that hold the backplate on and rotating the backplate. The "Steve" version has this already done for you (I turned the backplate 180 degrees - I have suggested to MVVS many times that this is how they should be shipped as standard as 90% of the engines will be mounted inverted - but if Pe couldn't win that fight, neither could I.
Mod 2
Remove the MVVS (Valach) ignition and replace it with a more common one. The original MVVS ignition required more than 6.5 volts to power it (at 6.5 volts the ignition stops working), It also has a separate ground wire that can be a PITA on some installations.
The original mounting lug for the Valach Sensor is Filed down, a Universal Sensor mounting bracket (From Milton) is installed (at 28 degrees BTDC) and a friendly ignition (also from Milton) that takes from 4.8v to 12v is included). Whilst doing this, 2 timing marks are also installed on the front of the crankcase - they are 2 witness marks that align with the leading edge of the hub where the ignition magnet is - they are TDC and 28 degrees BTDC. - This is all done.
Mod 3
"Black Beauty" Pitts Exhaust as the standard MVVS options are not compact. This exhaust has the option to install a smoke nipple (Included - goes where the blank plug is installed) and also has the mounting screws with it.
Everything else is standard MVVS.
I didn't include the bottle of "Run-in" oil that MVVS usually include with their engines in case it caused some form of DG problem. Basically it is 250ml of Mobil 1 Synthetic Racing oil that gets run at 30:1 until it is all gone. Run the engine in exactly the same as you would a DA and run the same oil and ratios that work for you on your DA's and you will be fine. (So many options that I won't be too specific there - do what works for you LOL). Redline, Stihl and Mobil have all worked very well for me, My planes get the same fuelil as all my other 2 strokes get (40:1 Mobil because it is easiest for me to get here). I also use Premium pump gas (we have 3 grades at our pumps here - our standard is 91 Octane - I use 95 octane - we can also get 98 octane at the pumps). R100 Race car fuel is a bad choice though.
So now you know Why I call it the "Aussie Hot Rod"
