Maiden flight update
After along wait for weather and other live stuff the maiden finally got done today .

It was 22 c with overcast skys and wind about 10 kmh , perfect conditions
Test ran up the engine and adjusted the needles a 1/16 out on the top, 1 3/8, and on the LHN 1/16 out to 1 3/4.
Range tested the receiver , all was good, checked the the dual rates setting at for low rates on elevator and Ailerons.
So before the maiden flight I it took some pictures with my Nikon camera.
I know some guys are a little superstitious about taken photos before the maiden flight anyway i snapped a few photos.
So I taxied out to the flight line checked flight controls and accelerated to 3/4 throttle , well the plane leap off the ground within 80 feet flying straight and accelatoring fast. I had to trim in seven clicks of right aileron and two clicks of up elevator for level flight .
The response is it was very precise and crisp with the aileron rolls , great feel of pointing and the plane sticks in that heading

First flight was only five to six minutes , forgot to turn on the timer oops,
First attempted landing i just lined up the runway and it tracked beautifully and predicably with a gradually decent and greased her down .

Very nice and smooth just a few hops at the end as i tried turning her before she was ready , nothing major just some excitement at the end.
After a quick inspection inside the fuse to check if anything was loose or coming apart i buttoned the canopy back down
checked all the control surfaces and linkage and fueled up the DA 120.
I waited a half hour for the grey rain clouds to leave then fired her back up .
That 120 starts up great, it fires up on third flip after the choke is off ,

i'm finding it alot easier to start than my DA 60

which is in my bad books as of now.
Taxied her out , and this time started the timer rolled up the throttle and like a shoot she was off flying and pulling up into the heavens .
Amazing how much power those pipes produce

and very smoothly too, thanks Dave Sullivan for all your advise.
Now i started to fine out how smooth and exact this plane is , it tracks very straight and true , a couple of Knife edges and it hold very well in the grove .
This Extra doesn't have bad flight charactistics and has now is teaching me how well it can perform the intermediate iMac sequence .
This is something I have been waiting of this for some time a true iMac Aircraft

Really i'm very satisfy with the performance this PAU EXTRA 330sc , well worth it
Lots of bugs up there today , bug guts on the prop