I really didn't get as much accomplished today as I would have liked. I started laying out the design for the cooling vents in the belly of the fuse and it actually ended up taking me most all of today. I did run a couple of errands but still, took much longer than I had hoped. I think it came out pretty close to what I was looking for. (The vents that is) So I finished that up and did a final placement of the receiver antennas. Thanks Chris, (
@Bunky.F.Knuckle ) for all your assistance. It is greatly appreciated. Man I tell ya....if it weren't for all the great guys (and girls) in this hobby, I would probably not have near the knowledge that I do now.
I sure do like those cheap stands from Wally World. If I need to do something with the fuse upright? Rotate it around. Ok, how about the bottom for the belly vents? Yep, rotate it around. Sure making all this easy. Thanks again to Earle (
@Pistolera ) for the great idea.
Now for the vents. I had an extra vent cover plate from a previous plane of my sons. I used the cut outs to line up and trace out what I wanted for the vents on the bottom of the fuse on the 300. After tracing the outline, the handy dandy Xacto knife cut around the lines quite nicely. After some time, (and lots of determination) I had the outlined lines cut out and the balsa sheeting below out. A little sanding to shape, trimming of the covering and done.
Also as mentioned, did final placement of rx. antennas and checked throw and linkage on the rudder setup. Getting closer now, but not sure I will get it done this weekend as hoped. Oh well.... Press on right? Following is a few photos from today. Tomorrow, I am going to do a little add on to the cowl and finish up the fuse. (Hopefully)
My thanks to everyone following along this thread.