Didn't get much done tonight (things are looking sketch for a weekend maiden). I started by gluing in the firewall. I used Zap 30 minute epoxy. I've always used Zap. What do you guys use? I guess Bob Smith is good, too, yeah? I got this at microfasteners.com in the big bottles. I've always used the small ones but the way I'm going through the stuff lately, the big bottles are working out well. haha
I was talking to Dave Johnson today... you know, I really can't believe how nice and upbeat and positive that guy is after all these years of dealing with us modelers. He was just a treat to talk to... like always for the last 14 years I've known him. No wonder everyone is so loyal to him, he's awesome. Anyway, we were talking about baffling... so somehow that great vibe he puts out got associated with baffling in my sub-conscience. So, I hung up from him and had this visceral need to do some serious baffling to this one piece cowl. That Dave it good, man. haha Anyway, that slowed my progress big time, and this is as far as I've gotten on it. I'm trying to have all the baffling be on the motorbox (while still having the engine removable).