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Pilot RC owners thread


I like 'em "BIG"!
Airplanes roll in both directions?;)

I standing at the field one day watching the best pilot in our club doing very low rolling harriers in a circle in front of him. One of the club know it all's comes up and says "Notice how those guys always roll the same direction". I told him 'Well if you pay attention, he's changing the direction of his roll every quarter way around the circle". He stood there for a second watching, shook his head and walked off. I laughed my butt off.
Yes, I have witnessed people like this before. And it just makes me laugh my butt off when they can't come back with anything intelligent to say. They just walk away. LOL.....

I was talking with a gent not long ago.... And I was explaining the type of flying I love to do. He asks me, "so you don't fly those little planes, like lots of guys?" "Like the ones I see in the city parks"? Umm, no, not so much. We do "rollers" and "harriers" and "hover" an inch off the ground. He then says, (and I busted my guts laughing) "So, you're one of those guys"? Why yes, I guess I am. I love being "one of those guys". Boise chapter edition. LOL