Well Folks,
I was lucky enough to fly the Yak 55 one time today. The winds were blowing 15 mph hour, but I decided to give it a wirl. I will say the plane flies very nice and it felt quite light on the wings. I only flew it for a few minutes as the motor (GP61) has been a royal pain in the A**. I will say this will be my last GP61.
When the motor runs it is a horse...Swings a Falcon 24X8 at 7000 rpm at 5900 ASL, but it has been the most troublesome motor I have ever had. It has gone back to Kole once, and I have messed with it for 10 hours or more. It has the most horrendous mid range burble I have ever heard, and its not getting any better. It runs quite warm (190-225) static, even though it runs as though it is terribly rich. I believe someday when company can get the bugs sorted on this motor it may be a good one.
Back to the plane.....after I got the CG sorted, it flew awesome. I am really lucking forward to flying this plane often. I will tell you that the AW Yak 55 and the Pilot Yak are two different creatures. The AW excels in precision and is pretty horrible for Freestyle or 3D. It wing rocks like crazy in hover and it not very stable in harrier. The pilot on the other hand tends to lend towards Freestyle and 3D, but preforms precision pretty darn good. I think this plane will suit my needs perfectly.
I will update as I get more time on the plane and motor.