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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
The original Red Eagle was later owned by Jacquie Warda whom had it recovered, it met it's demise some years after that. The fella that did the recover saved one side of the fin and rudder and some years later gave it to me. Below is a pic of Jacquie's version of the Red Eagle, a pic I have of the White Eagle, and the original Red Eagle tail cover pieces on the wall. I also heard a story where the company that had these Eagle's built had others built but the others were for personal reason, rumors were they were for friends.


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New to GSN!
The original Red Eagle was later owned by Jacquie Warda whom had it recovered, it met it's demise some years after that. The fella that did the recover saved one side of the fin and rudder and some years later gave it to me. Below is a pic of Jacquie's version of the Red Eagle and a pic I have of the White Eagle. I also heard a story where the company that had these Eagle's built had others built but the others were for personal reason, rumors were they were for friends.

WOW! Great pics. Do you know who the guy is with the White Eagle?

LMK if you're ever looking to part with the remnants of 49333! Such an interesting piece of history :)

And here's one more pic of WE...
White Eagle.jpg


640cc Uber Pimp
So, we have covered the Red, White, and Blue Eagle but you mentioned you had photos of all five. Do you have photos of all five?
One day I would like to build all three in third scale, just think it would be cool. Could I get you to email me your photos in full digital size? The ones your posting do not copy, electronically, very well.

I have no idea whom the guy in the White Eagle photo is.
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640cc Uber Pimp
And I doubt I will ever part with the covering as it means so much to me from my endeavors in building the Jacquie Warda's Red Eagle. Just a great piece of history that apparently did not have much coverage or documentation.


New to GSN!
And I doubt I will ever part with the covering as it means so much to me from my endeavors in building the Jacquie Warda's Red Eagle. Just a great piece of history that apparently did not have much coverage or documentation.

I don't have a photo of all 5 as of now. If I find one I'll absolutely share with you! Still searching.

I didn't realize you build Jacquie's R.E...super cool. Totally understand holding on to that tail...had to ask though :)

And yes, I can email you hi-res pics. Send me your email address.


640cc Uber Pimp
It is hard to believe the Challenger has been on hold for a year. Just finished rebuilding my everyday flier and think it is time to finish this Bulldog up. Will spend tomorrow cleaning the shop and getting reacquainted with where I am at with the airframe, then get back to covering.


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