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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
Being as there is nothing to the fuse I am sure it would be a simple task to reshape the Primo's.
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640cc Uber Pimp
I have been doing repair work on the fleet. The Ultimate got a new carb yesterday, the 1/3 GP Pitts is getting a recover. It has taken a couple days to strip and sand it, cut and glued together the wing panels yesterday. Today I have covered the bottom wing and would like to cover the top wing and the ailerons.
Wing panels, bottom wing covered, and what I am shooting for.


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640cc Uber Pimp
The wings are done including the gold pin striping, also have half of the ail's done.


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640cc Uber Pimp
It has taken all day, unbelievably, to get the tail feathers completed.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Annnnnd, the fuse is done. I am going to wait for the decals to start re-assembly. So, all that is left is the cowl but it will have to wait for another day, don't feel like getting into it. I will not be getting back to this until after next week. Tomorrow I have to get things loaded on the trailer for a week at the other place fixing things, mainly a new roof, but plenty of small things to do.
Ohhh, I can hear the haters screamin already!


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640cc Uber Pimp
There was a video taken on someone's phone of Jacquie flying the Eagle. I did not film this nor choose to use a phone, but, all in all it turned out pretty good. Notice at the beginning someone was talking to us, not a good thing when starting a plane. I flipped once to many times while under choke and took forever to start. Also, one can't hear what is going on so a little explanation is in order. I would hand Jacquie control after coming out of the turn and straight and level, more or less. This is the second time up so I let her have control a little longer than the first time.


640cc Uber Pimp
The vinyl came today and has been applied, re-assembly can begin.


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