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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
Got the smoke pump hooked up, made and installed hardwood blocks for the flying wires. Anyone know of a good smoke pump, not really liking the Sullivan.


640cc Uber Pimp
I personally have not played with smoke lately but bib a long time ago. But last year at JoeNall power-box was introducing a new smoke pump and a lot of folks seemed to like the unit and several were being swapped out for it that is all I know.


640cc Uber Pimp
Both of those appear to be nice units, I will be getting one soon. Speaking of nice units, I ordered a set of the Miracle throw meters from Valley View to aid in checking or setting models in the new 14SG. These things are very nice the movement of the degree wheel is like jewelers quality. I will put them to work later when transferring a couple models to the 14SG from the 8FG.
Have not done any work on the Challenger as I went flying this morning and been working on the well since returning home.


640cc Uber Pimp
I managed to get the flying wire brackets bent and bolted in. Also wired up the throttle, choke, and smoke pump. Then I sat a spell and transferred all my models from the T8FG to the T14SG. I checked the Extra's throws, using the Miracle throw meters and everything transferred perfectly. Really liking this new radio as well as the throw meters. I can not finish the electrical until the Tech-Aero's get here, but I can get the pants done, install some horns, and start working on the G10 sheet's for the fuse. Plenty to do, covering will be here Friday, and "no" I will not be ready. Maybe sometime next week. No pics, nothing really to show.
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640cc Uber Pimp
When you build all these big bi planes do you take them to the field assembled or do you assemble them at the field.


640cc Uber Pimp
Like this.


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640cc Uber Pimp
Ok that makes life a lot easier. Pull it out and fly. So you have a maximum size that fits and then you build everything to that.


640cc Uber Pimp
But this Challenger is being built to take the wings off quick and easily, one bolt top wing, one bolt each bottom wing half, flying wires disconnect at fuselage. It will have a piece made (I'll call it the joint strut) to hold each half of the top and bottom wings together so as to not have to remove the strut and the rest of the flying wires. To install the wings I pull the joint strut, slide wings on, install three bolts, and hook up two flying wires. I have done this method before and assembly at the field is less than five minutes.