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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
If it was me with the blender you have and with 1/4 piano wire you should be just fine. At 107 lbs per leg so at a total capacity of 214 pounds carrying capacity. And if I remember correctly the plane weight is 45 pounds so gives a 5 G impact load capacity witch is more that enough for landing gear.


640cc Uber Pimp
If it was me with the blender you have and with 1/4 piano wire you should be just fine. At 107 lbs per leg so at a total capacity of 214 pounds carrying capacity. And if I remember correctly the plane weight is 45 pounds so gives a 5 G impact load capacity witch is more that enough for landing gear.
That is what I thought as well, by the feeling not the numbers. But, the leg that broke is 1/4" music wire. Now I may have gear that was mistreated, over heated, stressed, or something, I don't know. All I do know is I have never had anything I made break like this but then nothing I have ever made with 1/4" saw the weight of this one. I have sent an email to TNT as well as ordered some 1/4". I will begin making it when the wire gets here regardless of what TNT says. If TNT will make some I will order them anyway as a backup.


640cc Uber Pimp
By the way Snoop, I would think if the airframe touched down at 5G's more than the gear would break. Know what I mean.


640cc Uber Pimp
Still have not decided on the color of Ultracote but have been reacquainting myself with the airframe. Working on finishing up the wireing, flying wire mounts, and then can finish finish sanding.


640cc Uber Pimp
TNT said they could make a set to handle the weight. I sent the measurement drawing of mine so we'll see what they come up with. I don't know if they do gear strictly like an Extra or if they will add the rearward section, either way I can deal with it. I also just ordered all of the covering for the Challenger, went with the bright yellow.


640cc Uber Pimp
Speaking of Challenger, I am closing in the canister tunnel so none of the heat goes into the fuse. Also finally figured out how they (EMHW) intended for the flying wires to connect to the airframe. They should work out to be very strong, they show them being recessed in the wing but I will make them flush, will start posting pics tomorrow as I work on it. As it stands it need's the wire mounts plate, epoxying the canister area, finish up the servo extensions, mount the tank and electronics plate, install pants mount, and make all the servo to surface linkage. The covering should be here by then, so some light finish sanding and then cover.
I will start posting some pics tomorrow, after all, a build is useless without them. Right!!!!


640cc Uber Pimp
Speaking of Challenger, I am closing in the canister tunnel so none of the heat goes into the fuse. Also finally figured out how they (EMHW) intended for the flying wires to connect to the airframe. They should work out to be very strong, they show them being recessed in the wing but I will make them flush, will start posting pics tomorrow as I work on it. As it stands it need's the wire mounts plate, epoxying the canister area, finish up the servo extensions, mount the tank and electronics plate, install pants mount, and make all the servo to surface linkage. The covering should be here by then, so some light finish sanding and then cover.
I will start posting some pics tomorrow, after all, a build is useless without them. Right!!!!

If you are making your extensions whose equipment are you using. The crimp toll I am using is the one with blue plastic handles. Supposedly there is one that has red handles. One of them is the good one and do not know which one. All I know is the one I have is really difficult to use and always make a few bad crimps.


640cc Uber Pimp
I have got a little done today, the tunnel is complete, fuel tanks in, radio tray done, all the wiring is complete except for throttle and choke. I spent at least an hour searching the shop for the Tech Aero, could not find that bloody thing any where. During a break a short time later it hit me, I put it in the Yak....One has been ordered.


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