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Scale Pitts S1-T, S1-S, and a Challenger.


640cc Uber Pimp
I agree with mike, keep it the way it is, like the photo you just posted, or if unless you have a wild hare.....

Quick tip, maybe after you upload the picture, add it as a thumbnail or full image for the detailed pics. Makes it a little easier to see.
I am posting as a thumbnail, click on it and it will enlarge, actually will enlarge three times.


I like 'em "BIG"!
I saw somewhere the other day where someone mentioned the fuel line tailwheel spring thing but now I can't find it. I did one years ago but don't remember how and thought I would shortcut how to do it again. Does anyone have such and if so could you post it for me?
Post Number 9059
I installed my J&J tailwheel on my Hangar 9 Extra 300X yesterday. I'll probably change the springs sooner or later. The ones that were on it were too short, and these were all I had laying around.
One of the reasons I wanted to change the tailwheel is the tail seemed really bouncy when taxiing lately. It turns out the Hangar 9 carbon fiber spring was broken and delaminating.

View attachment 106860 View attachment 106861
Woah...dude. Beautiful. Really! So regarding the springs... I tried and I tried and I tired until I was so freaking furious to keep springs just right on my planes. Baby ate springs like they were going out of style. The Sukhoi simply would not turn correctly. And the Behemoth Yak? Yeah, not happening. I changed over to the nitro fuel tubing and zip tie method. Have not had one single issue. No matter if it is my Pilot Edge at 29 pounds or the Behemoth Yak at 53ish (fuel tank full), they all perform and steer beautifully. Don't think I will ever go back to springs, (if I can help it) again.

Team Tail Dragger R/C

"Gimmie the sticks, I'll fly it"!
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Snoopy1 likes this.

This is how I do mine.

20181123_212247.jpg 20181123_212355.jpg


640cc Uber Pimp
Thanks Rob, that would be Ultra cote.
Well here it is with the wings and all flying wires done. Only four things left to do, apply the stripping, hook up the tailwheel, go back and double check all fasteners. The forth is the graphics but I am not sure I want to put all the Bulldog logo's on it, not sure it is up to par enough. What do you guys think, finish it up as the dog or something else. If something else offer up an opinion to a scheme, something like Banana's, submarine, or even just as it is.
Ok need to know how do you paint black on the Ultracote. I have tried and failed miserably.