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Scale Plans built P-51

Red Raider

70cc twin V2
I spent most of the afternoon working on the installation of the retracts. I've seen so many giant scale warbird landing gear fail on a rough landing. My intention is to make sure that if the landing gear fails, so did a whole bunch of other stuff. I got my receiver working thanks to some of my GSN friends and I was going to cycle the retracts, but the span between the gear is so large that the leads are too short to reach the controller. Dang - I've got to order the proprietary extensions from Robart.

Red Raider

70cc twin V2
wow...that looks really good!!!
After I took the pics, I spent a little time working on the front sheeting. I should finish that this week. Next step is to install the wing mounting structure. The last "build" part of this project are the flaps and ailerons. That won't take long, just tedious. I've been putting that off :~(

Red Raider

70cc twin V2
Thanks, guys. It's a lot of work, but also great therapy! If I could get more than just a 30 minutes here and there to work on it, I could make a little better progress. But, work, family, and life in general takes precedent over model airplanes - or at least it should :))
Before getting much further along with the retracts,make sure the gear doors are on so you can trial fit everything together. Looking very nice so far. It's at this point of a build when everything really starts coming together.
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Red Raider

70cc twin V2
I finished the sheeting of the upper part of the fuselage last night. Now it's time to mount the wing. It may take me 3 days just to get everything measured and set up right. But, it's getting closer.