HRRC Flyer
GSN Sponsor Tier 1
I got my graphics ordered from @Decal Dennis for my Laser last night so the last thing I need to order is my cowl and wheel pants. I don't have a clue when I'm going to have time to work on removing the firewall, but that's my next course of action. I just hope it's not going to be the PITA I think it's going to be. I may try heating up the epoxy from the back side of the fire wall and see if that will soften it up any. If not, it'll be time to take the dremel tool & saw blade to it. Come to think of it, if you look at the profile picture of the Laser on the previous page, you will notice a considerable gap between the spinner back plate and the front of the cowl. With that gap and the fact that the 3W70 twin is longer than the DLE, I may be able to just cut the old firewall off from the fuse sides and the fuse bottom. Then just cut out a new firewall traced from the opening. Shoot, if I can do that, it will even help out the balance a little bit.
Wish me luck fellas, I'm going to need it. . . . .
I got my graphics ordered from @Decal Dennis for my Laser last night so the last thing I need to order is my cowl and wheel pants. I don't have a clue when I'm going to have time to work on removing the firewall, but that's my next course of action. I just hope it's not going to be the PITA I think it's going to be. I may try heating up the epoxy from the back side of the fire wall and see if that will soften it up any. If not, it'll be time to take the dremel tool & saw blade to it. Come to think of it, if you look at the profile picture of the Laser on the previous page, you will notice a considerable gap between the spinner back plate and the front of the cowl. With that gap and the fact that the 3W70 twin is longer than the DLE, I may be able to just cut the old firewall off from the fuse sides and the fuse bottom. Then just cut out a new firewall traced from the opening. Shoot, if I can do that, it will even help out the balance a little bit.
Wish me luck fellas, I'm going to need it. . . . .