Make a list of how plane performance and flying style are going to influence your servo choice.
Example.....1) 30% Lazer @25 pounds = Heavy wing loading. (To stupid right now to figure the actual wing loading lol but it is going to be close to 30oz a sq in).
2) Aerobatic airplane design ( inherently unstable as compared to high wing trainers and such)
3) I will mostly be flying circles, loops, snap rolls, inverted flight and flying moderately high speeds.
Now.......Consider that a 50ozin servo will do this plane fine as stated above but will be taxed to its limits.
100 ozin and I feel good flying the plane but don't do any thing really absurd.
250oz in and I got all the authority to fly as stated and not even think about having a servo issue.
Servo speed is not really a concern cuz I fly as stated. .20 transit time is not an issue. I have lots of expo any way (50% or better).
Now consider your budget and quality concern and try to see what matches up. You will find TONS of choices!
So...... I really have not helped one damn bit