GSN Sponsor Tier 1
Are you asking about http://www.rcaiir.com/? If so i have without issue, got the cowl and canopy for the Champ from them.have any of you ever deal with RC AIR? I ordered a canopy for my Laser its been a month and still nothing , he doesn't even answer my emails now, and its paid for it, if any of you know another source for this size canopy, just the plastic part I do the rest, or even better an Extra 300 canopy of this size
Are you asking about http://www.rcaiir.com/? If so i have without issue, got the cowl and canopy for the Champ from them.
have any of you ever deal with RC AIR? I ordered a canopy for my Laser its been a month and still nothing , he doesn't even answer my emails now, and its paid for it, if any of you know another source for this size canopy, just the plastic part I do the rest, or even better an Extra 300 canopy of this size