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IMAC Scratch build Laser 200

You sure didn't skimp on the material thickness on that control horn. You're prints turn out REALLY good. Do you tap the your PLA parts or use nuts?

Yes the thickness is there for strength, and yes I do tap the PLA parts but add a nut with locktite for security , of course not being a scale airplane, then I'm OK with this
the flight cables on the tail section, using Kevlar with 68 kg tensil strenght


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Wow big change what made you do that.
well, a few reasons, first the plans calls for a 120cc gas engine , but I don't use gas on this particular airplane so no vibrations, I can build lighter, also the plans was for a hard core 3D airplane, but I don't do 3D, just smooth aerobatics , so first I installed the smaller motor which in my opinion is all I need, but I would have to add nose weight to balance, so I opted to make the extra weight work instead of just sitting there, and finally I had this motor for a while for a project that didn't pan out . After reading what I just wrote , I think I am trying to justify myself LOLOL


640cc Uber Pimp
I am no different I will always add some thing that benefits the plane and I have on several occasions changed the engine size if possible to compensate for nose weight.