looks like a Lancair
Does anyone know what this airplane is, by any chance?
Couple more questions for you on the Tarnis X9 Lite. I'm seriously considering it but I have concerns. First I love the feel of the M9 Hall Effect Gimbals I installed on my standard X9D, do you know if a hall effect gimbal will be an option on the Lite version? Also have you opened the radio up and noticed if there is options to add extra switches and the like? As far as the switches on the radio I'm fine with what's there but I fly a lot of DLG's and the lack of sliders and at least a second POT makes that difficult. On my DLG's I use my left slider to adjust the camber when working light lift and for when competing I swapped one of my POT's out for one that has the six detents in it to change the timer quickly for the different task that are run in a competition.
Chris, I'm afraid I have no idea on the hall effect gimbals , sorry. Yes I did open it up and I didn't see any open plug spaces for extra switches or anything else, I guess this is why its called entry level, but the good news, you can use with the access protocol or D16 which is the standard ACCST so you can still use all of your receivers ,check this one of course more money