Wow! when it rains it pours! First of all let me say how much i appreciate your offer to help. I have a remarkable (at least to me) story to share with everyone. I was standing at the workbench pondering my options trying to come up with a way to work with what the plans showed which was the height and width of the forms but not their shape. My eyes drifted over to the plan legend in the corner of the sheet where the designers name was listed, a Mr. Dennis Caudill I scratched my chin and thought to myself, well you've tried everything else. So I pulled up DuckDuckGo, that's the search engine I use, I despise google and put in a search for his name and found a bio listing Direct Connection RC as one of his companies and that he could be contacted on a site called Linkdin. So I went there and left him a message detailing my needs and he contacted me back and actually went to all the trouble of searching thru his archives until he found the cad drawings for the kit on COMPUTER TAPE! Which he had to find a tape drive to utilize and then put it on something he could email to me. What a guy! I was ready to just sell it as a partial parts missing kit, but now I have line drawings of all that's missing. AWESOME! Swifterdon! I will be getting serious about creating a mold off the Vac formed kit piece and I'll keep you in the loop as I progress. I will b e happy to make you a copy. Many thanks! I don't care how many RC companies go bankrupt, BUILDING planes will always be my hobby, Ill mix my own glow fuel and grow my own balsa if I have to.