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Share your Trailer Ideas Here


Don't know a thing..
Thanks 3Dcheif, that is a great price. I have been looking at similar ones, not that affordable, and one with a heavier duty flap.


But, actually trying not to have to cut into the sidewall of the trailer. Was considering mounting this in the side of the tongue box and then into the trailer from below... but I store fuel in the tongue box and don't want to be plugging and unplugging right there.

Am currently leaning along the lines of a length of extension chord that coils into a tube mounted under neath the trailer floor. Access a 'lid or cap' and pull out a few feet of chord, kind of idea.... hence the question... just searching for different ideas.

Thanks again.. will definitely use that if a brain storm doesn't hit me first.... :)


Don't know a thing..
Met a metal fab guy on Facebook... he was kind enough to make me some stuff for the trailer. have some bent aluminum plates to make a couple of ramps... and made two posts to support the shelf going along one side if my trailer.... great work and a really good price. PM me if you want his contact info. I'll definitely be using him to make some more things I have in the works. Good source !



FINALLY got to start working on mine, and will get to work on it a lot this week as work has slowed. got the wire for the A/C ran and the sockets and switches installed. The switch in the front will turn the charging system on and off.

Going to work on getting the D/C wires ran tomorrow and get the insulation and paneling for the ceiling, then it will be ready for paint.
Dad is my A/C electrician lol ;)



70cc twin V2
I can sure. I changed it a little so that the bungee mount is on the side of it.


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