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3D Shop Construction


Staff member
Oh my wife wasn't happy about the dogs and soon to be chickens losing yard space, but she wanted me out of the garage.
Ya. That's one reason my shop is so tall and narrow. The wife didn't want a huge shop taking up the whole back yard. So I went vertical. Worked out pretty well though. Left me plenty of room in the back yard for flying foamies.:D


My front yard is for that. I've got at least 1/2 acre there for that and I can go another 1 acre to the side over my neighbors front yards. They won't care as we are in the country....as long as I stay away from homes/cars.


70cc twin V2
That makes me want to build a separate shop and let the wife use the garage for her car. I just don't think the dogs would go for me taking the rest of the yard that they play in for another shop :)

Call me cold-hearted, BUT....what have the dogs done for you lately?!!!! :devil:




Using a ditch witch when your ground is moist down past 25 inches sucks!!!!!

It didn't work real well. I have one area about 5 feet that all fell in because the trencher got so stuck I had to get chains and pull it out with my truck.


Note to anyone..... Spend the money on the tractor trencher not the walk behind. The walker has a wheel base so short if you have to go back over an area you end up with one wheel higher because its on the excavated dirt side so it forces the unit to drive at an angle. And puts your tires into the trench

I'm not sure I'll pass inspection. I'm going to try as code is 24in and I'm between 22-24 in different spots. If I fail that was a $100 lesson to rent the tractor and be done.

I do think many of my problems is because our ground here is very moist still. Dry ground may have gone better


I'll take some pictures tonight of the carnage of trenching.

First over the phone quote to put Spray foam in.....$5k! Ouch, I was hoping to be closer to 2-3 since it was only $1600 to have the bldg. company put in normal insulation at build time. But the roof needs foam. Lots of openings at the top and edges for critters to nest!


I have to thank my wife. Even with how much crap she gives me for flying RC, she is 100% for me having a shop. So much so, while I was at work I asked her to simply dig a line in the last 5 feet that collapsed so I had a line to follow. I came home looking at 3+hrs of digging. Well she had done more than dig a line. She got over 70% of it done. I'm now 22-24in all around in depth. I spoke to my electrician who confirmed he is coming tomorrow a.m. and he said it wont matter, he'll have it mostly buried before the inspection. Tomorrow there will be POWER!