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3D Shop Construction


24x28 garage, each wall on its own circuit, 2 sets of internal light circuits so if one pops a breaker I am not in the dark. separate 220 outlets on each wall and separate external outlets on 2 walls. Overkill? Maybe, but I know that I am not going to be losing power to more than one section if someone pops a breaker and when you have what I have in my garage, a wood working shop, main server with 6 tb of movies and music plus applicable sound and airplane requirements, you like to make sure nothing will get browned out or surged when turning something on that draws more current than another item.


Easy there......its just a start, that wire ain't cheap!

I plan half the bldg outlets on one circuit. the other on another. Probably 2 circuits for the lights (same reason you stated). Then I will have some dedicated 30amp for my fridge, a/c, RV, compressor, and where I will plug in most of my tools like drill press, grinder/sander etc.


I have my compressor running on 220 on a 20 amp circuit. It is just a Husky upright from HD and what a difference running it on 220 vs 110. Your fridge won't require a 30 amp circuit unless it is REALLY OLD. If you are using a window unit for a/c, run it on 220. I have a window unit from HD that is capable of cooling 1000 sq ft running on 220 on a single 20 amp breaker and it does just fine.

Just some info on how mine is setup to maybe help cut some costs for you.


I'll look into all that. I'm not an electrician so I'm not sure how I do 220 vs 110 off my 100amp CB box. I'll do some research.

So I was thinking about the insulation. Suppose I do 1 inch of foam on walls like suggested. Then I do 1 inch on roof instead of 2 to cut costs. Then down the road in a few months I put in some rolled insulation ontop of the ceiling when I have more funds (and if its even needed)??????

I'm trying to do it right but still save some $. My budget is blown over the costs right now and I'm trying to get back on track.


Staff member
I'll look into all that. I'm not an electrician so I'm not sure how I do 220 vs 110 off my 100amp CB box. I'll do some research.

So I was thinking about the insulation. Suppose I do 1 inch of foam on walls like suggested. Then I do 1 inch on roof instead of 2 to cut costs. Then down the road in a few months I put in some rolled insulation ontop of the ceiling when I have more funds (and if its even needed)??????

I'm trying to do it right but still save some $. My budget is blown over the costs right now and I'm trying to get back on track.
You'll want a minimum of 2" on the ceiling for a vapor barrier. Any less than that and I believe the ceiling will still sweat.



Now for the bad news. Cut my grass and was going to fly my mini p51 and I couldn't find my batteries for it. Damn I wish I had my shop! All my stuff is strewn around and still in boxes and I can't find crap and the weather is nice