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3D Splitting Cowls made easy


640cc Uber Pimp
PVA.............Polyvinyl alcohol?
What does it do or why do you use it?

It's a mold release agent, spray or brush on and when dry the resin will stick to it, but it does not stick to anything. It can be washed off with water or on a smooth surface it peals off like a sheet of plastic wrap.


640cc Uber Pimp
Well, it appears that work is not going to let me sneak this in during the day.....I'll see if I can get the actual glass strips in at the end of the day.

To prepare for glassing, the halves need to be joined back together so that the seam is flush. First tape the edges in case any resin gets through it does not contact the paint......it will NOT come off so this is a good safety net. Next pull strips over the joint and pull the halves together to close the joint. I like to run another tape down the cut-line to completely seal it off on the outside.

When I get a break I'll do the resin and glass....


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640cc Uber Pimp
Sorry for the delay, I had time earlier today to lay in the seaming tape. What I use is called seaming tape. It comes in a roll and is sewn on the edges to it does not fray allover the place while handling. http://www.fibreglast.com/product/Woven_Fiberglass_Tape_217/Fiberglass_Tapes

It's as simple as this:
1 - cut some tape to length
2 - mix up resin
3 - wet the seaming tape / glass
4 - remove excess resin from glass
5 - put in place
6 - blot with a paper towel so it does not look wet or puddled with resin.
7 - wait for a few hours to overnight depending on your resin and separate.

I did not plan to, but I did a quick time lapse of doing most of these. Every time I mention splitting cowls I get at least half dozen PM's asking how much I'd charge to do theirs. My answer is nothing because it is so simple you need to do it yourself!!!! As my wife @thelaw would say.....suck it up buttercup.

The hardest thing is cutting the line.......which is not hard at all. Take your time and cut on the line. Does not get much more simple than that! Took my just over 15 minutes to do 5 cowls. Maybe 30 minutes to cut 4 of the 5 cowls (one was already split, just needed the tape).



70cc twin V2
Hard to tell but it looks like 1" tape and one piece per side? Also, what do you leave for the lip, I'm thinking around 0.25"?


640cc Uber Pimp
Yea, I use 1" tape and just pretty much center it. In reality the little tape does not do much in the end other than hold the alignment of the two cowl halves. I've actually done this whole thing before buy cutting the cowl and gluing in a strip of lite ply to the bottom cowl half.