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St George Utah 3D Bash


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Mike I will post yours as soon as I get a chance to upload it. I was not able to get your whole flight because of my phone battery dying...


GSN Contributor
Mike I will post yours as soon as I get a chance to upload it. I was not able to get your whole flight because of my phone battery dying...

Hmmmm... Died during your video of Andrew too. Your phone doesn't like taking video of 3D :(
Time for a separate camera!


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
A few pics... uploadfromtaptalk1399121826174.jpguploadfromtaptalk1399121861844.jpg

I have tons of pics and vids on my camera but only a couple on my phone. I will probly be putting the camera pics up Sunday night.

There is a story behind the pic of Brigg holding my slick... Ill post about it later when I have more time. In the mean time the suspense is killing you ;)


I have tons of pics and vids on my camera but only a couple on my phone. I will probly be putting the camera pics up Sunday night.

There is a story behind the pic of Brigg holding my slick... Ill post about it later when I have more time. In the mean time the suspense is killing you ;)

At least it looks like it is still in one piece!