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St George Utah 3D Bash


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
I finally got a chance to start looking at the pics and vids I took. There are some nice photos but my video looks horrible. I should have had [MENTION=3014]AKfreak[/MENTION] fix me up with better camera settings ;) I'll post them but the planes look like blobs... rarely in focus. Hopefully [MENTION=3014]AKfreak[/MENTION], @Ahblair, [MENTION=2667]FlyMike1[/MENTION] and others have some video of the same flights that turned out better. The Satruday demo flights by Andrew Taylor and [MENTION=3134]Kim3D[/MENTION] were super awesome! As good of flying as I have seen anywhere! There were a lot of positive comments out of the spectators that came. They were really wowed!


70cc twin V2
Had a great time at the event. The weather was great, a little warm but not bad at all. Even though i didn't fly as much as i anticipated, i still had a great time. A big thanks to all who put this event together especially Nate for all his efforts and work to see it through. Great job Nate. It not as easy as it looks to CD an event and do what you did but you really did good. I was suprized at the attendance numbers but there were many events at nearby clubs this weekend which i think reduced the number of attendee's that otherwise would have showed up. Still, a great time, great people, great prizes, thank you Savox for the Servo that my daughter won, HEHE. I just emailed a big thank you to them as well.
Thank you Gyro and 3DRCFORUMS. Lets do it again next year.
Scott Moore-Moore Aviation.
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3DRCF Regional Ambassador
It was great to see you as always [MENTION=2972]3DScotty[/MENTION]! I was really happy when you won the servos. They are going to be awesome!


I am going through all of the images from the event and wanted to share one until I get to edit some of them.

I had a H9 extra. I loved the scheme and the way it flew. Mine met a early end due to a failed BLS-156. I believe it has been resurrected by the local I sold it to. My only complaint is my usual one, not enough pitch authority. Go figure.


3DRCF Regional Ambassador
Awesome photo [MENTION=3014]AKfreak[/MENTION]!
[MENTION=271]Enterprise[/MENTION] I got to take a pull on [MENTION=3134]Kim3D[/MENTION] 's plane and found it to have plenty of pitch authority. It would be interesting to hear what Kim has done to his. It is a sweet plane and Kim hucked the crap out of it!


Thanks. There are so many shots to go through so lets get started.

This plane was just incredible. It's a Hangar 9 35% Extra and happened to be Mark Leseberg's Tuscon Acrobatic Shootout plane three years ago. It has an incredible custom paint job. The wings, ahh the wind are custom reworked Dalton wings. They are pretty thin and have counterbalance's in them. Lets just this plane flys amazingly well. At the end of the event, Mark showed up and flew it. He gave a invaluable lesson on loaded and unloaded snap rolls (precision aerobatics) and said, "I am commandeering this plane back" All in all, it's an incredible plane.






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Just in case some of you don't know, I am mainly a portrait photographer. I had Kim turn his head a little because I say his plane in the reflection of his glasses. I thought it looked cool, so I make the shot.


And his plane
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